
Yu-Ju Chen, the Outstanding Taiwanese Female Scientist Participated Cancer Moonshot in the United States

Dr. Yu-Ju Chen(陳玉如) was awarded the "Outstanding Award" representing the highest honor in the "The 16th Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science" in 2023. Photo reproduced from Wu Chien-Shiung Education Foundation website
Dr. Yu-Ju Chen(陳玉如) was awarded the "Outstanding Award" representing the highest honor in the "The 16th Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science" in 2023. Photo reproduced from Wu Chien-Shiung Education Foundation website
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

Dr. Yu-Ju Chen(陳玉如), a renowned researcher at the Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, who once led a team of Taiwanese scientists to participate in the "Cancer Moonshot" (癌症登月計畫) in the United States, was awarded with the “Outstanding Award,” which is the highest distinction of “The 16th Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science.” She completed “world's first full investigation of the causes of lung cancer in East Asia.” The Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science was given to her this year in recognition of her significant contributions to proteosome research technology and cancer clinical therapy.

Dr. Yu-Ju Chen(陳玉如) once led a team of Taiwanese scientists to participate in the "Cancer Moonshot" (癌症登月計畫) in the United States.Photo provided by Institute of Chemistry

As the first female director in history, Yu-Ju Chen(陳玉如) oversaw the Institute of Chemistry at the Academia Sinica. Her fields of expertise include mass spectrometry and instrument design. She also develops cutting-edge proteome research technology in Taiwan and investigates how to use it for therapeutic cancer treatment. As she frequently works with specialists from diverse sectors in the course of her study, excellent communication and understanding amongst team members have become essential for getting the job done.

Yu-Ju Chen(陳玉如) is passionate about writing in addition to conducting research in the sciences. Since junior high school, she has developed the habit of keeping a diary. Throughout high school, she also had aspirations of becoming a writer. Despite the fact that she eventually chose a different career path to become a scientist, she stated that "scientific research is also a sort of writing," used to provide a comprehensive narrative so that readers will be interested in reading it. She applied her prior literary zeal to scientific study, and it shone brilliantly.

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Dr. Yu-Ju Chen(陳玉如) in a photo with Biden, who was then the vice president of the United States when she participated in the leaders’ meeting of Cancer Moonshot.Photo provided by Yu-Ju Chen

“Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science” award is co-sponsored by L'ORÉAL Taiwan and Wu Chien-Shiung Education Foundation. It has been organized for continuous 16 years. It is intended to honor the contributions made by women in science and inspire more women to engage in the field through these prizes. 49 prominent Taiwanese women scientists have received honors thus far.

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