
A Filipino migrant worker saved a felling elderly man at Keelung Harbor

West wharf of Keelung Harbor Photo reproduced from 基隆人日常 Facebook
West wharf of Keelung Harbor Photo reproduced from 基隆人日常 Facebook
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

A few days ago, an elderly man was walking on the west wharf of Keelung Harbor when he unintentionally fell into the water. Hearing the need for assistance, the on-duty port police rushed right away to check. Fortunately, the elderly man had already been saved by a passing Filipino migrant worker before the port police arrived at the scene. After that, he was sent to a hospital for treatment.

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Keelung Harbor.Photo provided by The Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications

The fire department was then told to transport the elderly man to the hospital by the port police. The elderly man was transported to the hospital after firemen conducted a preliminary examination and found that his sole condition was hypothermia. His family members were then informed of this.

The 78-year-old man with the last name Guo who accidently fell into the water was traveling alone from Taipei to Keelung Harbor in the morning, according to an inquiry by the port police. A migrant worker from the Philippines who had traveled to Keelung from Taoyuan to visit his friend just happened to be passing by. He jumped into the water without a doubt when he saw Guo about to tumble into the water, saving him and bringing him back to land. A disaster was also averted because to the bravery of the Filipino migrant worker.

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