Many people adopt extreme dieting methods to achieve a perfect figure, but maintaining adequate hydration alone can boost metabolism and achieve healthy weight loss. Sports nutritionist Su Zhengyu points out that the recommended daily water intake should be calculated based on body weight. Multiply your weight by 30 to determine the basic daily requirement, and multiply by 40 if aiming for weight loss through hydration. For example, a person weighing 60 kg should drink 2,400 c.c. of water daily.As long as the body is adequately hydrated, it can enhance metabolism and support healthy weight loss (Image provided by Heho Health)
However, water intake should be divided into smaller portions to avoid consuming too much at once, as the human body can only absorb 200 c.c. of water within 20 minutes. Drinking excessive amounts at once may lead to water being quickly expelled. Timing also matters; avoid drinking large amounts of water before bedtime to prevent disruption of sleep quality.
For those who dislike plain water, alternatives such as sugar-free, zero-calorie beverages like black coffee, tea, or lemon water are great options. Additionally, water content in food can contribute to daily hydration needs; fruits, vegetables, and soups are rich sources of water.The body's ability to absorb water is limited, so water intake should be divided into smaller portions (Image provided by Heho Health)
Lastly, concerns about water intoxication from drinking too much water are largely unnecessary, as this condition typically requires consuming more than 10 liters of water in a single day. However, individuals with kidney issues or those undergoing dialysis should consult with their specialist to determine an appropriate water intake.
This article is authorized by Heho Health.