
1112 video news report - English

Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network presents weekly news to new immigrant audiences.
Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network presents weekly news to new immigrant audiences.
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

Taiwan's population consists of over 700,000 migrant workers, a number so large it emphasizes their role in Taiwanese society. Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network shares the following series of informative videos about the lives of migrant workers in Taiwan. Watch the broadcast here:1112 NIA video news report-English 

Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network presents weekly news to new immigrant audiences.

Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network presents weekly news to new immigrant audiences.

Read more: Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from November 16 to November 29; CECC makes adjustments to some measures

News Focus (November 8 – November 14) 

Taipei Migrant Worker School now officially provides family medicine courses and knowledge on contraception

Taipei City hosted the launching ceremony of the Taipei Migrant Worker School. There is no fixed campus for this school, and it will conduct both online and in person classes. Knowledge on “contraception” will be incorporated into family medicine courses. (Read more: Taipei Migrant Worker School officially started, providing “Knowledge of contraception” in family medicine course)

Foreigners must apply for National Health Insurance using their New UI No.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) reminds new immigrants and foreigners to apply for a new health insurance card with their new UI No. However, you may use your old insurance card if you are still using your old certificate number. (Read more: Foreigners applying for insurance with “New UI No. of Foreign Nationals” must first apply for a new health insurance card)

Read more: Indonesian migrant workers receive all-clear to work in Taiwan again!

The NIA promotes consumer rights to new immigrants

The National Immigration Agency invited a Consumer Protection Officer to conduct courses on consumer rights to new immigrants to raise awareness. These courses are being conducted considering the government providing the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers. (Read more: NIA invited Consumer Protection Officer to conduct courses in promoting the rights of consumers to new residents)

One-Forty holds “Book & Host Project” to help migrant workers adjust to Taiwanese society

One-Forty raised funds to help migrant workers assist to Taiwanese society. The organization also helped provide free learning courses to migrant workers to gain knowledge they can apply in their daily lives. (Read more: One-Forty “Book & Host Project” helps migrant workers integrate into Taiwan society)

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