
The Immigration Department organizes public decree to assist new immigrants understand the democratic environment

“I will only vote if there is no bribery” Anti-bribery publicity and mock voting activity.  Photo Credit: Immigration Agency
“I will only vote if there is no bribery” Anti-bribery publicity and mock voting activity. Photo Credit: Immigration Agency

The Immigration Department of the Ministry of the Interior together with the Taipei City Election Commission, Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office, Taiwan Shilin District Prosecutors Office, Civil Affairs Bureau of Taipei City Government, Taipei City Wanhua District Office, Zhongzheng District Office, and 100 new immigrants, etc… held an Anti-Bribery activity, “I will only vote if there is no bribery”, before the Nine-in-One General Election in 2022 on the 11th floor of the Immigration Department.

Deputy Director of the Immigration Agency, Hong-En Lin, said that the Anti-Bribery Election is not just a matter of a single government department. Instead, it is necessary to unite the power of new immigrants to maintain democratic values together. In addition to Chief Prosecutor of the Taipei District Prosecutors Office, Yi-Shuo Gao, Chief Prosecutor of the Taipei Shilin District Prosecutors Office, Shuo-Zui Wang and other units and new immigrants have also announced the determination to protest against the bribery election, leaving a deep impression on the public on the importance of rejecting to bribery election and reporting channels.

The Immigration Department has played a self-produced multilingual version of an animated with the title “I will only vote if there is no bribery”. The anti-bribery propaganda video pointed out "Our determination to protect democracy and freedom", and since Taiwan is a multicultural society, they are hoping to “hand in hand with the new immigrants and refuse black money", and also invites everyone to join hands in the clean election.

Many new immigrants are first-time voters in this simulated anti-bribery election and voting experience activity. Besides Vietnamese lectures and radio host,  Le Thanh Anh Quyen, who is a first-time voter from Vietnam, is also concern about the daily issues about the new immigrants in Taiwan. She indicates that she was looking forward to attending the mock voting event. On the other hand, Li-Ying Chang, a new immigrants from Myanmar who used to be a flight attendant for Airline Mandalay has stayed in Taiwan for over ten years also never voted before. She said that she was afraid to vote because she was not familiar with it. It is very great to have the opportunities to understand the election process through mock voting activities.

Hong-En Lin emphasized that he hopes the new immigrants will not give up with their rights to vote just because they don't know how to or worried about making mistakes on the polls. Through the explanation of voting regulations and simulation of the whole process, new immigrants who are actively participated in this activity is able to experience the real voting process and how great it feels to have the citizenship rights.

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