News Highlight

臺南職人小學堂  帶來夏日知識「饗燕 」

Tainan Artisan School: Bringing Summer Knowledge with "Feast of Swallows"

In the scorching summer, the Xinbailu Bird's Nest Tourism Factory in Tainan offers a cool and educational journey with the "Summer Artisan Dual Courses." This program allows parents and children to enjoy the fun of making bird's nests together. Mayor Huang Wei-Che stated that educational and fun tourism at these factories has always been a highlight of the city's tourism. With expert-guided tours and DIY experiences, children can fully engage in sensory-stimulating learning while having fun.**"Summer Artisan Dual Courses"** feature a variety of interesting courses designed to teach children the process of making bird's nests in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Parents and children can increase family interaction through DIY activities and experience every step of making bird's nests. This is not only an opportunity to learn but also an excellent choice for quality family time.**Healthy Summer Foods: The Top Choice for Family Summer Outings**In addition to the artisan courses, the Bird's Nest Tourism Factory offers a summer food menu to help cool down, including bird's nest stew and bird's nest drinks with hibiscus, which are ideal for beating the summer heat. These bird's nest dishes are not only delicious but also beneficial for skin nourishment and antioxidant properties, allowing the public and tourists to enjoy the food and gain health benefits."Learn through play with sensory-stimulating experiences, accompanied by professional guided tours. (Photo / Courtesy of the Tainan City Tourism Factory Development Promotion Association)"Mayor Huang Wei-Che emphasized that tourism factories in Tainan are a highlight of the city's tourism. These factories offer a wealth of knowledge and fun activities. During the summer holidays, various tourism factories have launched promotional summer activities to provide more family travel options. Whether for cooling down, learning new things, or enjoying the fun of hands-on activities, Tainan's tourism factories are an unmissable choice.Director Lin Rong-Chuan of the Economic Development Bureau announced that Tainan's tourism factories will host the Tourism Factory Festival in October and November this year. The first festival will take place on October 26 in front of the Tree Valley Life Science Museum. The event will feature special Halloween activities, stage performances, a tourism factory market, DIY activities, and a stamp collection for prizes, allowing participants to fully enjoy the festive atmosphere.The Tainan City Government will continue to support the upgrade and improvement of tourism factories to create a friendly tourism environment and enhance Tainan's appeal as a high-quality tourist city.


Cool Down and Enjoy: Taiwan Midsummer Festival Invites You to Sip Tea and Ice Treats

Summer in Taiwan can be scorching, but this year, the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has meticulously organized the "Summer Festival 2024: Taiwan Midsummer Festival" to bring you a series of cool and fun activities. This event features five main themes: "Dragon Boat Stories," "Summer Solstice 235," "Enjoy Iced Tea and Coffee," "Taiwan Food Exhibition," and "Railway Tourism," ensuring a refreshing and enjoyable summer for everyone.The theme "Enjoy Iced Tea and Coffee" combines various tea and coffee drinks and cold desserts, with summer activities starting at the beginning of the holiday, coordinated by the Tourism Bureau and local governments, awaiting your direct experience.Opening Ceremony of the Main Event of the Taiwan Midsummer Festival 2024 (Photo / Courtesy of the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications)The activity "Fun in Kaohsiung-Pingtung: Enjoying Ice Cold" runs from now until September 30. The Maolin National Scenic Area Administration, in conjunction with many local industries, combines tourism, cuisine, and ice treats. Simply like and check in to receive limited edition ice cream.The "Guanziling Summer Festival" will take place on July 27 at the Guanziling Hot Spring Area. The Siraya National Scenic Area Administration will host the event with parades, blessing ceremonies, ice treats, beer, and street performances, adding endless fun to the summer.The "Cool Summer Festival" runs from now until August 31 at the visitor centers of the Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area (including Nanzhuang, Shitoushan, Lishan, Bagua Mountain, and Alishan). Tourists can enjoy special cold dishes by dancing, liking, and checking in as designated.The "Dadaocheng Summer Festival" runs until August 10, featuring spectacular fireworks displays, music performances, boat experiences, and summer food and drink, giving everyone the chance to experience the beauty of Taipei's historic district.The "Taichung International Pastry Festival" will officially begin on August 10, focusing on afternoon tea tourism in Taichung. The event artfully combines pastry brands, shops, and lodging services, developing afternoon tea products and experiences, enhancing Taichung's afternoon tea brand, and providing a rich travel experience.To make it easier for people to participate in these activities, the "Summer Parade Bus" will organize a series of tours, allowing everyone to enjoy special ice treats from across Taiwan. During the event, collect the exclusive "Summer Parade Bus" stamps, the main stamps from the top ten Smile South Bay booths, and special stamps from the National Scenic Area Administrations for a chance to enter a lottery with limited edition prizes such as Centurion travel cases.

危險水域不要去  中市府推薦安心海灘放心玩

Avoid dangerous waters. Taichung City Government recommends safe beaches for worry-free fun.

Summer is the peak season for water activities as people look to cool off. To ensure citizens' safety, the Taichung City Government is actively promoting water safety measures. The government regularly conducts rescue drills to enhance lifeguard skills and carries out joint patrols and crackdowns on major dangerous water areas to reduce the risk of drowning accidents.Taichung City has identified 11 dangerous water areas, characterized by rapid currents, varying depths, and numerous underwater rocks. These conditions can cause people to let their guard down, leading to drowning accidents. The city government urges people to avoid these dangerous waters and take precautions such as checking weather conditions, warming up, avoiding entering the water when tired, and wearing appropriate swimwear to ensure their safety.When choosing water activities to cool off, safety should be the top priority. People are encouraged to select certified swimming pools across the city for their water recreation activities. (Photo / Courtesy of Taichung City Government Tourism and Travel Bureau)Choosing a safe place for water activities is the first step in preventing accidents. The Taichung City Government recommends several safe water recreation areas, including "Da'an Coastal Park," where visitors can enjoy beach activities, surfing, and kite surfing. The park is equipped with safety regulations signage and professional lifeguards. Additionally, Lihpao Land's Mala Bay Water Park offers a variety of water attractions and lifeguard services, ensuring a high level of safety.For families who enjoy outdoor activities, the "Summer Water Play Area" at Tanzi Greenway Zhongke Park opened in mid-June. Every weekend, visitors can enjoy the cooling effects of mist fountains, tunnel fountains, and volcanic fountains. The city government reminds people to choose certified locations with safety features and to follow all safety regulations when participating in water activities.The Taichung City Government Tourism and Travel Bureau emphasizes that they have placed no-swimming and warning signs at the 11 identified dangerous water areas. A joint water safety inspection team has been established to issue warnings to violators, with fines ranging from NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 for those who do not comply. Information about these dangerous water areas is available on the Tourism Bureau's website ( city government calls on citizens to be fully prepared before engaging in water activities and to confirm the safety of the water area. This ensures that everyone can enjoy summer water activities while keeping themselves and their families safe. Enjoy a happy summer with safety first!

北投夏日魔法節 酒家菜那卡西奇幻之旅

Beitou Summer Magic Festival: A Fantastical Journey with Nakasi and House Cuisine

Beitou's commercial district transforms into a magical amusement park this summer with the "Beitou Summer Magic Festival 2024." The event features a revival of classic house cuisine, Nakasi music, and various check-in art installations. With a rich history and abundant hot spring resources, Beitou's unique cultural charm shines through. Taipei Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua stated that the "Beitou Summer Magic Festival 2024" incorporates local cultural elements, creating five unique check-in art points and extending decorations to the geothermal valley. "The main light display at the fountain in Beitou Park: 'Summer Magic ~ The Arrival of the Hot Spring Wizard' (Photo courtesy of the Taipei City Office of Commerce)."Beitou's Centuries-old Culture: Discover "House Cuisine" and "Nakasi Music"This year's event highlights the themes of "house cuisine" and "Nakasi music" with weekly activities, electronic stamp collections, social media raffles, and mini trips in Beitou, allowing the public to learn about Beitou's century-old culture deeply. The main decoration, "The Arrival of the Hot Spring Wizard," blends artist creations with hot spring elements and ambient lighting to create a romantic evening atmosphere. Every weekend, Qixing Park hosts music performances, family theater shows a magical market, and DIY activities for diverse family participation.Classic House Cuisine Banquet: A Taste of NostalgiaQixing Street will be closed for the "House Cuisine Banquet," where renowned chef Chen Chi-wen will recreate Beitou's classic house cuisine. Chef Afa and Chen Chi-wen will prepare exquisite traditional dishes for over 300 guests, with singer Li Binghui and the Nakasi Yun Club performing classic Nakasi songs. Chef Chen Chi-wen will demonstrate his culinary skills, and guests will enjoy live performances, reviving Beitou's classic culture. Additionally, hotels offer special promotions, such as breakfast with house cuisine menus at Beitou Sweet-Me Hot Spring Resort and classic dishes at Beitou Spring City Resort, allowing guests to enjoy both the food and hot spring fun.Every weekend during the festival, themed activities such as music and house cuisine banquets, family adventures, and summer music parties will ensure fun-filled weekends.Beitou Mini Trips: Cultural Tours with Professional GuidesBesides enjoying the cuisine, visitors can join mini trips in Beitou to explore its history and culture with local guides. Every weekend afternoon, five classic routes will narrate the beauty and culture of Beitou, offering a deep understanding of the city's unique charm. During the event, cultural areas around Beitou will extend their hours until 8 PM, including the new Beitou Station, Ketagalan Cultural Center, and Beitou Hot Spring Museum, allowing the public to fully enjoy the food, activities, and explore every corner of Beitou.


รองประธานาธิบดีเข้าร่วมงานเลี้ยงฉลองวันประกาศอิสรภาพของสหรัฐฯ: ประชาธิปไตยและเสรีภาพคือรากฐานของความสัมพันธ์ไต้หวัน-สหรัฐฯ副總統出席美國獨立紀念日酒會:民主和自由是臺美關係的基石

Vice President Attends U.S. Independence Day Reception: Democracy and Freedom Are the Cornerstones of Taiwan-U.S. Relations

On the evening of July 2, Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao attended the "U.S. Independence Day Reception" and emphasized in her speech that democracy and freedom are crucial elements of Taiwan's identity and the foundation of Taiwan-U.S. relations. Through platforms such as the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF), Taiwan can share its expertise and experience in addressing global challenges across various issues and continue to be a positive force in the world.Vice President Hsiao delivered her speech in English, representing the government and people of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to extend blessings to the United States, celebrating U.S. Independence Day and the strong partnership between Taiwan and the U.S. She reflected on the establishment of the new nation by the Founding Fathers of the U.S. 248 years ago, based on the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which have inspired many societies to pursue the values of freedom and democracy.The Vice President attended the U.S. Independence Day celebration and delivered a speech. (Photo / Source: Office of the President Republic of China (Taiwan) website)She mentioned that Taiwan overcame difficulties decades ago to establish a democratic environment and lifted martial law, allowing people to determine their way of life. This year's presidential and legislative elections once again demonstrated the vitality and resilience of Taiwan's democracy. She emphasized that over the past four years, she has personally witnessed and participated in the deepening and expansion of the Taiwan-U.S. partnership and expressed gratitude to AIT Taipei Office Director Sandra Oudkirk for her efforts in promoting closer Taiwan-U.S. relations.Last year, Taiwan and the U.S. made significant progress in trade relations by signing the first batch of agreements under the "U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade." Currently, the second phase of negotiations is underway, aiming to resolve issues such as double taxation to further strengthen the relationship between businesses and people of both countries.The Vice President attended the U.S. Independence Day celebration on July 2nd. (Photo / Source: Office of the President Republic of China (Taiwan) website)She particularly thanked the U.S. for collaborating through platforms like the GCTF with countries such as Japan and Australia, enabling Taiwan to share its expertise and experience in multiple fields, including climate, environment, cybersecurity, media literacy, good governance, women's empowerment, and entrepreneurship, demonstrating the benefits of the solid Taiwan-U.S. partnership to the world.


Promoting Mental Health for New Immigrants Author

According to the Ministry of the Interior’s National Immigration Agency, "New immigrants refer to those who come to Taiwan for marriage, immigration, and settlement from abroad." Statistics show that the population of new immigrants who have obtained Taiwanese nationality and ID cards has exceeded 650,000, surpassing the 570,000 indigenous people of Taiwan, making up about 2.5% of the total population. Taiwan, a country with a diverse coexistence of ethnic groups, is gradually moving towards a positive acceptance of all ethnic groups. This shift is reflected in the terminology used; early terms like "foreign spouse" or "foreign bride" have been replaced with "new immigrant" in both official and public usage.Over the past 30 years, most new immigrants have come from Mainland China, followed by Vietnam, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macau, and the Philippines. This diversity presents challenges, particularly for those from Southeast Asia, due to language and cultural differences, leading to psychological stress and difficulty in adapting to life in Taiwan.Common Psychological Issues and Coping Strategies for New Immigrants and Transnational Marriages:Language Barriers: Unfamiliarity with local languages can lead to loneliness and impact family communication, such as deepening mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflicts. New immigrants are encouraged to participate in Mandarin or Minnan language courses to improve daily communication and build a support network of friends.Cultural Adaptation Issues: Differences in cultural customs and lifestyle habits can cause anxiety and depression. New immigrants should acknowledge cultural differences and gradually adapt to the new culture, maintaining connections with their homeland for support.Worrying About Social Stigma: Many second-generation immigrants from Southeast Asia worry about academic performance and discrimination from classmates. Schools should promote cultural harmony, and new immigrants should use counseling resources to build self-identity and self-worth.Identity and Belonging: New immigrants may struggle with dual cultural identity and belonging. Seeking advice from successful role models or using counseling services can help them find their place in Taiwan.Mental health is a significant and complex issue for new immigrants. Untreated mental health problems can lead to more severe conditions. Besides promoting cultural friendliness in Taiwan, new immigrants should actively engage in self-care, using tools like the mBMI psychological health check ( to monitor and improve their mental health.Many local governments offer specialized psychological counseling services. For example, Taipei City Government provides free counseling activities for new immigrants. The Ministry of the Interior’s National Immigration Agency provides a toll-free hotline: "1990, We Will Help You" in seven languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, and Cambodian, providing consultation on living and adapting to life in Taiwan.Author: Li Yuchan(李玉嬋) Currently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Life and Health Counseling Psychology at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, President of the Association of Medical and Health Counseling Psychology, and President of the Integral Happiness Promotion Association. Long-term advocate for public mental health promotion, psychological counseling, and grief counseling. Created and promoted the "National Mental Health BMI - Friendship and Happiness Heart Nurturing" self-management solution to prevent depression through preventive psychology and enhance psychological resilience and happiness.


Taiwan Becomes a Hub for AI and Green Energy, Xie Jinhe: NVIDIA's Investment Brings New Opportunities

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang revealed plans to expand investments in Taiwan, including the establishment of a supercomputer center, R&D center, and headquarters during his attendance at Computex Taipei in early June. Wealth Media Chairman Xie Jinhe stated today (1st) that Huang's visit not only strengthened Taiwan's core position in the AI field but also indirectly reduced Taiwan's geopolitical risks.The Chairman posted on Facebook, highlighting that Taiwan's clean energy industry will continue to flourish for the next twenty years. He mentioned that the recent green energy inspection in Taiwan brought significant insights. Apart from witnessing the tireless efforts of industry professionals overcoming challenges, he also saw the impressive sight of Taiwan's coastline filled with land-based wind turbines and solar panels, stretching from the Daan coastal highway in Taichung to Tainan.Amazon has declared its intention to invest billions of dollars in Taiwan over the next 15 years to establish data centers, all powered by green energy. This signifies the future development status of Taiwan's green energy industry. (Image/Source: freepik)From Changbin Industrial Park, Wangong, Fangyuan, Taixi, Mailiao to Beimen in Tainan, and Qigu, wind power and solar energy facilities are everywhere. The Chairman of Wealth Media noted that Jensen Huang's visit reinforced Taiwan's status as a core AI hub, with Computex further elevating Taiwan's international standing. Amazon's announcement to invest billions of dollars in Taiwan over the next 15 years to establish data centers powered entirely by green energy also heralds the future development status of Taiwan's green energy industry.愈More and more international giants are investing in Taiwan, which will continuously drive the expansion of the green energy industry. (Image/Source: freepik)The Chairman also mentioned that NVIDIA's cooperation with Taiwan requires the procurement of green energy. Increasing investments from international giants in Taiwan will continue to propel the expansion of the green energy industry. Additionally, offshore floating solar panels and floating wind farms are set to be deployed. He emphasized that Taiwan's power supply issues should not merely be a topic of political debate, as wind and solar power generation will be a significant trend, with many emerging companies rising from this industry.

「熊熊愛上你」 新住民彩繪熊表心意

"Bear Love: New Residents Express Affection with Painted Bears"

When new residents arrive in Taiwan, they face differences in environment, language, culture, and diet. At such times, support and encouragement from family are crucial. Additionally, participating in educational programs is an excellent way to increase adaptability. On the 21st, the Taichung City First Service Station of the National Immigration Agency invited multicultural instructors Luo Hui and Yan Longxian to share their experiences with new residents, encouraging them to participate more in empowerment courses, embrace different cultures, and lead participants in creating personalized painted bears, symbolizing affection. Hui, from Sichuan, expressed that since coming to Taiwan, she has participated in various empowerment courses and made many Taiwanese friends. Her passion for learning led her not only to qualify as a multicultural instructor for new residents but also to obtain a level C chef certification. Using food as a medium, she has introduced Sichuan's cultural characteristics to more people. Recently, she and her son participated in the National Immigration Agency's 10th Dream Building Project and are currently touring with a taiko drum performance, showcasing foreign cultures in diverse ways. Luo encourages fellow new residents to participate in various types of courses, enhance their skills in multiple aspects, bravely pursue their dreams, and live a more fulfilling life.Another multicultural instructor, Yan Longxian, led participants in creating uniquely painted bears using acrylic paints, decorating them with different colors. Yan gave the participants a task to create a bear for their significant others. As painted bears are relatively uncommon, the participants found the experience refreshing. Abby from the Philippines mentioned feeling nervous initially about painting but appreciated Yan's encouragement throughout. She emphasized that the heartfelt effort put into the unique keychain gift was priceless. Abby's husband jokingly remarked that his wife's creation was undoubtedly the most beautiful because it was a one-of-a-kind gift, bringing her special joy. instructor Yan Longxian, second from right, led participants in creating painted bears. (Photo: National Immigration Agency)Colleagues from the National Central Library's Southeast Asian Hall also shared information with new residents on the library's collections and digital resource utilization, encouraging them to visit the library more often, read books from their home countries, and use apps for online borrowing, enriching their lives in Taiwan. Wang Ji, director of the Taichung City First Service Station of the National Immigration Agency, highlighted the abundant learning resources available to new residents in Taiwan. He encouraged couples to learn together and grow together, fostering happy family lives. Finally, he reminded attendees that African swine fever remains severe and urged them not to purchase pork products from overseas online or have relatives send them to Taiwan to avoid penalties.

Activity Information



你是我的異國天菜 ! 下週就是西洋情人節囉!小編要來呼籲一下為愛奔走天涯的新住民朋友分享你們精彩的追愛故事!歡迎放閃,絕不逃避!#HappyValentines#LoveLifeYou are the one! Valentine’s Day is on next week!Share your love story of how you get your love along the way with us!“Nhờ có nắng mới thấy cầu vồng. Nhờ có anh mới thấy màu hạnh phúc!” Tuần sau là Valentine rùi nè, nôn quá các bạn ơi, hông biết có ai tỏ tình với mình hông ta?Để lấy vía các bạn tân di dân đã dũng cảm vì tình yêu, vượt muôn trùng dương đến Đài Loan gặp người thương của mình.Valentine năm nay Ad nguyện ăn cơm chó, ngồi nghe chuyện tình của mọi người nè.Cùng lan tỏa những câu chuyện tình yêu đẹp của mình đến nhiều người hơn nữa nha.Kamu Adalah Favoriteku, Jadilah Valentineku ! Minggu depan sudah hari Valentine, nih! Ayo, ceritakan pengalamanmu yang paling menarik dalam mengejar cinta! Silakan ceritakan dengan singkat, jangan kabur ya! คุณคือคนที่ฉันตามหามาแสนนานสัปดาห์หน้าก็จะถึงวันวาเลนไทน์แล้วกลุ่มบรรณาธิการของเราอยากจะรู้เรื่องราวสุดโรแมนติกของทุกท่านร่วมแชร์ความหวาน ชวนให้ฟินไปตาม ๆ กันหน่อยค่ะ



新住民全球新聞網🍁臉書粉絲團「Taiwan我來了」🍁秋季網路活動又到了豐收的秋季,新住民全球新聞網要在秋意正濃之際,一口氣滿足大家的食慾和求知欲!大家喜歡吃東南亞料理嗎?新住民全球新聞網粉絲專頁【Taiwan 我來了】,日前公開了東南亞鮮蝦咖哩和南瓜糕點的做法,歡迎大家觀看影片,一同製作看看美味的東南亞秋季料理喔。了解如何製作美味的東南亞料理後,接下來就來參加【東南亞飲食文化大會考】吧!獲得 90 分以上的分數,就有機會抽到飛利浦氣炸鍋*1 名、鴛鴦鍋*5 名!!!歡迎大家 11/11-29 一起來挑戰東南亞料理知識王吧!--------------------------------抽獎規則【活動期間】:2021/11/11 - 2021/11/29 晚上 6 點截止 (以留言時間計算)【活動辦法】:步驟一、公開分享此則貼文步驟二、觀看東南亞料理教學影片→步驟三、參加「東南飲食文化大會考」→步驟四、得分 90 分以上並至此篇留言留下自己的分數。完成四步驟即可獲得抽獎資格。【活動備註】(1) 參加者須為「Taiwan 我來了」粉絲才有獲獎資格 (必須按粉絲專頁讚,否則抽到也是棄權喔!)(2) 每個 FB 帳號僅具一次得獎機會(3) 「Taiwan 我來了」粉絲團擁有活動改變之權利(4) 按讚 IG 活動僅限臺灣地區 (獎項恕不寄送國外地區)(6) 得獎名單將於 12/3 於粉絲專頁公告本活動參加者 FB 帳號需為真實身份,不得使用人頭帳號、假帳號參加,若以人頭帳號或電腦駭客程式等不正當手段參加活動,經主辦單位發現或第三人檢舉,將自動取消中獎資格,請務必注意!本活動一帳號限留言一次,重複留言不予計算 

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