
After 37 students had tested positive for COVID-19, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that schools at all levels in Taiwan will be temporarily closed from May 19 to May 28.   

According to FOCUS TAIWAN, The CECC said it hopes the suspension of on-site classes could curb the outbreak, noting that parents of children under the age of 12 or of an older child with disabilities are eligible to take coronavirus-related child care leave during this period.

Online learning platforms can be used to continue classes, the CECC said.

Schools nationwide are closed in Taiwan until May 28. Image courtesy of MOE.

The central government made the move after Taipei and New Taipei, the two cities where the vast majority of cases in the recent outbreak have occurred, temporarily closed schools from the pre-school level to high schools along with cram schools on May 18 morning.

According to Taiwan News, Ministry of Education also provides learning learning resource channels and platform options. The ministry also included a link to a  YouTube page  that includes a wide variety of learning materials in various subjects for different grade levels, as well as an  online learning website  with resources for K-12 and college students.

Schools nationwide are closed in Taiwan until May 28. Image courtesy of MOE.

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