
The Ministry of Interior joins hands with new immigrants to protect democracy and promote anti-bribery

The Ministry of Interior joins hands with new immigrants to protect democracy and promote anti-bribery.  Photo provided by National Immigration Agency
The Ministry of Interior joins hands with new immigrants to protect democracy and promote anti-bribery. Photo provided by National Immigration Agency
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The 2024 Taiwan presidential and legislative elections are approaching. On November 15, Ministry of the Interior organizes anti-election bribery publicity activity at the first floor of National Immigration Agency Taipei City Service Center with the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Prosecutor's Office that is affiliated with it, the Agency Against Corruption, the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office of Taiwan, and new immigrants.

The Ministry of Interior joins hands with new immigrants to protect democracy and promote anti-bribery.Photo provided by National Immigration Agency

The "FET Lion Dance," which is made up of Malaysian students, was invited to bring the performance as the opening of the activity. The new immigrants then put on a play against election bribery to encourage everyone to courageously reject and report any instances of illicit election bribes.

Invited to attend this activity were Ministry of Justice Deputy Minister Tsai, Pi-Chung, Prosecutor-General Hsing Tai-Chao, Chief Prosecutor of Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutor Office, Tsai, Wei-Yi and the Deputy Director-General, Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice, Shen, Feng-Liang.

The Deputy Minister (吳容輝) of the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) stated that combating election bribery is a crucial responsibility. In order to protect democratic ideals, securing a transparent election involves more than just one government agency; it also calls for the people's solidarity.

Read more: Reminder from the NIA: After they become adults, foreign children born in Taiwan are allowed to stay in Taiwan

The Ministry of Interior joins hands with new immigrants to protect democracy and promote anti-bribery.Photo provided by National Immigration Agency

The bribery publicity activity included first-time voters who were new immigrants. They often have serious concerns about matters pertaining to the lives of new immigrants to Taiwan and the upcoming elections there. Additionally, they conveyed how much they felt Taiwan valued the anti-vote-bribery campaign.

Read more: The "10th Dream-Building Project for New Immigrants and Their Children" will soon begin accepting applications

The Ministry of Interior joins hands with new immigrants to protect democracy and promote anti-bribery.Photo provided by National Immigration Agency

Director of National Immigration Agency (鐘景琨) specifically reminds new immigrants to bravely refuse illegal activities, like buying votes or bribery, gather evidence, and report any suspected bribery by calling the Ministry of Justice's anti-bribery election reporting hotline at 0800-024-099, press 4.

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