
11th Automatic 30-Day Visa Extensions Announced for Foreigners who have Legally Stayed for 180 Days or More

11th Automatic 30-Day Visa Extensions Announced for Foreigners who have Legally Stayed for 180 Days or More

Given the continued severity of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, NIA has decided to provide the 11th automatic extension to foreigners who entered Taiwan before or on MAR-21-2020, and have not overstayed their allowed duration of stay (including their initial visa and all previous extensions).

NIA stresses that, in order to prevent international movement of population leading to further outbreaks, as well as to reduce the burden of epidemic prevention on local neighborhoods, foreigners who had been allowed to stay for 180 days or more were previously granted 10 automatic 30-day extensions, since JUL-17-2020. The 11th extension is now in effect

NIA further explains that upcoming extension policies will be reviewed and timely adjusted, in accordance with the CECC’s assessment on the COVID-19 pandemic. For detailed requirements and information about this extension policy, please refer to the following “Q&A.” 


Q1: On MAY/13/2021, NIA announced the 11th automatic 30-day extension policy for foreigners. Am I eligible for this policy?
A1: The 11th automatic 30-day extensions are granted to foreigners who entered Taiwan before or on MAR/21/2020 and are currently staying within their allowed duration of stay (starting from MAR/21/2020 or earlier, including all previous MOFA and NIA extensions).

*Foreigners who have violated laws or regulations, or have been ordered to leave due to irregular actions are no longer eligible for automatic extensions, and must depart before exceeding their allowed duration of stay.

Case 1: (Eligible for automatic extension)
Mr. A, Foreign National
Entry: MAR/17/2020, visa-free entry
Original Duration of Stay = 30 days (until APR/16/2020)
Previous Extensions (30 days each):

5x MOFA (No more than 180 days): +150 days

10x NIA: +300 days

Total Extended Duration: 30+150+300 = 480 days (until JUL/10/2021)

11th NIA extension: JUL /10/2021 +30 days (until AUG/9/2021)

Case 2: (Eligible for automatic extension)
Mr. B, Foreign National
Entry: MAR/17/2020, visa-free entry
Original Duration of Stay = 90 days (until JUN/15/2020)
Previous Extensions (30 days each):

3x MOFA (No more than 180 days): +90 days

10x NIA: +300 days

Total Extended Duration: 90+90+300 = 480 days (until JUL/10/2021)

11th NIA extension: JUL/10/2021 +30 days (until AUG/9/2021)

Case 3: (Renewed Visa, Eligible for automatic extension)
Mr. C, Foreign National
Entry: MAR/7/2020, visa-free entry
Original Duration of Stay = 14 days (until MAR/21/2020)
Previous Extensions (30 days each):

5x MOFA (No more than 180 days): +150 days

Total Extended Duration: 14+150 = 164 days (until AUG/18/2020)If Mr. C applied for visitor visa at BOCA on AUG/10/2020 and received a new visa with 180-day duration of stay, the last day of his stay is changed from AUG/18/2020 to SEP/3/2020.

NIA extensions #2~#11: SEP/3/2020 +300 days (until JUN/30/2021)

Q2: Does this policy applies to foreigners who have already exceeded their allowed duration of stay?
A2: This policy only applies to foreigners who have not exceeded the number of days allowed to remain in Taiwan under their initial entry visa and previously announced MOFA and NIA automatic extensions. Therefore, this policy is NOT applicable to those who already exceeded (overstayed), and any overstaying foreigners should depart immediately.

Q3: How do I verify this automatic 30-day extension, if my passport is not stamped the extended date?
A3: This extension is automatically registered on NIA systems, thus no application is required. For those who would like a formal documentation as proof, please submit your passport and relevant documents to NIA services stations. Our officers will stamp the passport to prove this extension

Q4: Upon my departure, would I be considered overstaying and fined by NIA, given I don’t have the documents to prove these extensions?
A4: At airport checkpoints, NIA officers will carefully verify and check for all previous extensions. If you are eligible for this automatic extension, and you are still within the extended duration of stay, there will be NO fines due to overstaying.  

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