
雙語新聞-即便老了也要穿搭漂亮! 60歲英國嬤瘋和服原因曝 British grandma caused a sensation on Instagram with kimono love

來自英國的Sheila Cliffe瘋日本和服,在IG上引起了轟動。Sheila Cliffe became a sensation on Instagram for her colorful, kimono wardrobe. (Photo courtesy of Sheila Cliffe/Instagram)
來自英國的Sheila Cliffe瘋日本和服,在IG上引起了轟動。Sheila Cliffe became a sensation on Instagram for her colorful, kimono wardrobe. (Photo courtesy of Sheila Cliffe/Instagram)

By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network


根據The China Post報導,【看CP學英文】和服可說是最能代表日本文化的傳統服飾之一,由於它有著美麗的剪裁,使得人們穿在身上時,得以散發出落落大方的氣質。

According to The China Post, the kimono is one of the most representative, traditional costumes of Japanese culture, and its beautiful design emits natural grace for anyone who wears it.

來自英國的Sheila Cliffe ,自倫敦大學畢業後就來到了日本,對日本文化十分熱愛的她,取得在天普大學日本校區教授認證後,在日本生活了35年,對於當地的理解程度幾乎與在地人無任何區別。

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Sheila Cliffe traveled from England to Japan after graduating from the University of London when she was 22.

Extremely passionate about Japanese culture, she has lived in Japan for 35 years after obtaining a professorship at Temple University’s Japanese campus and her knowledge of the country is hardly discernable from locals today.

今年60歲的Sheila Cliffe,即便已經一頭白髮,也依然擋不住她對於打扮的熱愛,她時常會穿著不同印花風格的和服,再加上色彩鮮艷的腰封,配上一頭亮眼的金髮,十分的有辨識度。她也會將不同款式和服穿搭拍照上傳至IG,每則貼文皆吸引超過上千網友點讚。

The 60-year-old’s other passion for dressing up can’t be deterred even as she ages, and she often wears kimonos with different prints and colorful waistbands topped with her bright blonde hair, making her very recognizable wherever she goes.

She also uploads photos of different styles of kimono-wear to Instagram, and each post attracts more than a thousand likes from social media users.

她經常穿著印有不同圖案的和服,腰間繫著鮮豔的腰帶,頂著一頭金色頭髮。She often wears kimonos with different prints and colorful waistbands topped with her bright blonde hair. (Photos courtesy of Sheila Cliffe/Instagram)

她經常穿著印有不同圖案的和服,腰間繫著鮮豔的腰帶,頂著一頭金色頭髮。She often wears kimonos with different prints and colorful waistbands topped with her bright blonde hair. (Photos courtesy of Sheila Cliffe/Instagram)

Sheila Cliffe憶起當初迷上和服的契機,是在1983年第一次來到日本時,看見二手市場中的和服,便被深深吸引住,她也表示:「現在大家都穿沒有圖案的衣服,海軍藍、棕色、黑色等素色,反而會穿花卉圖案的人已經不多了,當我知道和服的存在後就不一樣了,將衣服組合搭配起來相當有趣。」

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Cliffe recalls how she first fell in love with kimonos when she arrived in Japan in 1983. She was captivated by the kimonos she saw in second-hand markets.

She explained, “Nowadays, everyone wears clothes without patterns: navy blue, brown, black and other plain colors; there are not many people who wear floral patterns anymore.”


Seeing her confident look in kimonos, many fans couldn’t help but praise her, commenting, “She is still beautiful, even with age,” while others praised her delicate wardrobe and lauded the care she put into her outfits.

Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By Reina Lin

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