
Vaccine regulations released for elderly above 75 years old

Elderly people over 75 years of age are vaccinated. Let’s look at the vaccination measures of each city and county. Photo/Retrieved from "Central News Agency"
Elderly people over 75 years of age are vaccinated. Let’s look at the vaccination measures of each city and county. Photo/Retrieved from "Central News Agency"
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

The 1.24 million doses of AZ vaccine provided by Japan will be allocated for the six different categories, including staff and residents of long-term care institutions, patients undergoing kidney dialysis, and elderly people over 75 years old. The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心) has distributed the vaccines to the different county and city governments. This batch of vaccines is available to elderly people over the age of 75 (including indigenous people over the age of 65). Those who are going for vaccination must bring their national ID card or National health insurance card, regardless of their place of residence or household registration, to get vaccinated. "Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network" (新住民全球新聞網) has gathered information on measures and ways of serving the elderly in the different counties and cities.

 Japan provides 1.24 million doses of the AZ vaccine, to be divided into 5 categories. Picture / provided by the CECC

Japan provides 1.24 million doses of the AZ vaccine, to be divided into 5 categories. Picture / provided by the CECC

  • Taipei City

Taipei City will provide the vaccine for elderly people over the age of 85 and for aboriginal people over the age of 65. A total of 175 treatment sites are available. From June 13th, at 8 a.m., “online appointment” will be available to the public. The appointment can be completed in 5 steps.

If the elderly cannot make an appointment online, a notice will be issued by the district office staff. Elders over the age of 85 who does not have household registration in Taipei City can register with the district office on June 15th and 16th so that the Taipei City Government can monitor the number of registrants.

  • New Taipei City

The Mayor of New Taipei City, Hou You-yi (侯友宜), announced that elders (aboriginals over 75 years old) who live in New Taipei City but does not have household registration in New Taipei City will be allowed to fill out a questionnaire or register by phone at the district or village office on June 15 to 17, from 5 pm. Then proceed for vaccination according to the time and place announced by the district office.

In the first phase, 7,500 elders over 85 years old and 5,600 people from the 1st to 3rd categories are allowed to be vaccinated divided into districts, village, and scheduled time. The registrants should go to the designated districts according to the arrangement of the village office based on neighborhood, the time and place. If the registrant did not receive a notification, he may call the district office. Each district office has a dedicated line for vaccination service, with service hours from 8 am to 8 pm.

  • Taoyuan City

Taoyuan City plans to prioritize the vaccination of people over 81 years old and aboriginal people over 75 years old. For those over 88 years old, over 84 years old, and over 81 years old, the vaccination schedule will be from June 15 to 17, at 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 each morning. The elderly registrant will have to be at the community vaccination station 30 minutes before the designated time, and they are allowed to be accompanied by one family member.

  • Taichung City

In Taichung City, priority for the vaccination will be given to elderly people over 85 years old. Twenty- nine district vaccination stations has been completed. After receiving the vaccination notice, the elderly registrant may go to their nearest vaccination station from June 15 to 17. No appointment is required. The city has a total of 64 vaccination stations.

  • Tainan City

From June 15 to 20, Tainan City will prioritize people over the age of 85 and those over 75 years old with a certificate of major illness, and aboriginal people over 75 years old. All those over 85 years old will be notified individually by the district office staff. Vaccination will be done in local clinics and health centers without need for an appointment.

  • Kaohsiung City

Kaohsiung City has set up 129 community vaccination stations. From June 15th, elderly people can go to the vaccination station according to the time and place on their vaccine notice. The first schedule will be from June 15 to 17 for elders over 87 years old. The second schedule is from June 18 to 22, for elders aged 80 to 86 and the third schedule is for elders aged 75 to 79, from June 23 onwards. In addition, all vaccine stations will have "parking area, waiting area for family members, registration area for elders, waiting area, consultation area, vaccination area, rest area", etc., to promote social distancing and provide a perfect environment for vaccination.

 Read More: Taiwan thanks Japan for COVID-19 vaccine donation

  • Keelung City

In Keelung City, the district office will send the vaccination notice, and there is no need for appointment. The priority will be based on age, the older one with more priority. Transportation to the vaccination site will be arranged for elderly persons with limited mobility.

  • Hsinchu County

Hsinchu County has three vaccination schedules. Elderly people over 87 years old and aboriginal people 77 years old, who are not registered in Hsinchu County, and eligible residents. The county government will send a notice to the elderly people. The elders are requested to follow the time and place on the notice for their vaccination.

  • Hsinchu City

 Hsinchu City gives priority to elders over 81 years old and aboriginal people over 75 years old. The vaccination will start from June 14th at 6 vaccination stations without need for appointments. The village office will send the vaccination notice, and the elderly should follow the place and time schedule on the notice.

  • Miaoli County

The appointment system in Miaoli is down and has been suspended. The vaccination schedule will be based on age, with priority given to the older ones. From June 15th, with no need for appointments, elders over 85 years old will be prioritized.

  • Changhua County

From June 13, people over the age of 75 may make reservations by telephone. Each reservation is limited to 2 people, and they must be spouses or immediate family members. The 307 community care stations (社區關懷據點) and C Base Long Care Station (C據點)in the county have completed the registration, without need for an appointment. The elderly people should go straight to the community care stations for vaccination.

  • Nantou County

The vaccines are limited, and at this stage, vaccination will be based on appointment. From June 15, appointments may be scheduled by telephone with a maximum of 2 people per appointment even without local household registration. Appointments will be limited and there will be no on-site registration. In addition to telephone appointments, online registration is available only at Puli Christian Hospital (埔里基督教醫院), Chu Shang Show Chwan Hospital (竹山秀傳醫院), and Nantou Christian Hospital (南投基督教醫院).


  • Yunlin County

Yunlin County was allocated 24,000 doses of the AZ vaccine. The county government plans to provide 13,000 doses to elderly people over 75 years old. The 20 towns and villages across the county will start the on June 15. Due to limited vaccines, it is divided into three groups, people over 85 years old, 80 to 84 years old and 75 to 79 years old.

Succeeding vaccinations will depend on the number of supplementary vaccines that will be allocated by the central government. The elders will be notified by the village office, indicating the time and place of their vaccination.

  • Chiayi County

From June 15, Chiayi County will prioritize elders over 85 years old for vaccinations, with 4 hospitals, 18 municipal health centers, and 43 clinics. In addition to Alishan Township and Ta pu Township, 16 townships and cities will alsohave vaccination centers.

  • Chiayi City

Chiayi City plans to give priority to people over the age of 85. The Chiayi Municipal Sports Park Gymnasium (港坪運動公園體育館) will be the vaccination site from June 15 to 17. The district office will send notices, and on-site registration will not be accepted.

  • Ping Tung County

Pingtung County will start their vaccination program on June 15. The Pingtung County Government suggests one family member to accompany the elderly. The first batch are elders over 85 years old; then elders over 75 years old and those under 85 years old will be notified by the local district office of the time and place of the vaccination according to the number of vaccines allocated by the central government, and according to the age.

  • Yilan County

Yilan county will start vaccination for people over 88 years old and aboriginal people over 78 years old based on their ID numbers.

  • Hualien County

Vaccinations for the public will start on June 15. The Hualien County Government announced that the first batch of elders eligible for vaccination are people over 90 years old and aboriginal people over 85 years old. People over 75 years old (including aboriginal people over 65 years old) will wait for the second batch of vaccines from the central government. Vaccinations in 13 towns and cities will be administered based on the quantity.

  • Taitung County

The first batch of 8,000 doses of AZ vaccines from the central government will arrive on June 12. From June 13th, appointments in four classes will be made for medical staff, nursing staff, dialysis patients and  people over 75 years old with household registration in Taitung City. Due to the large population of Taitung, it is difficult to complete the vaccinations for the elderly. Mobile vaccination teams will go to the nursing homes to vaccinate the people.

 Read More: Taiwan receives 750,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines on June 6

  • Penghu County

Penghu was allocated with 12,300 doses of AZ vaccine on June 15. The Health Bureau of Penghu County Government plans to launch vaccinations on June 16 based on appointments and schedules. According to estimates, the quantity available may reach the sixth category, which is the elderly people over 75 years old. Penghu County elders over the age of 75 years old have already sent letters to the township and municipal government offices to request for registration. The elders will be asked to bring their health insurance card to the community vaccination station.

  • Kinmen County

From June 16th, the Kinmen County Government will provide vaccination for elderly people over 75 years old (aboriginal people over 65 years old) in 4 venues: 9 contract medical institutions in Little Kinmen (Lieyu Township 烈嶼鄉) and Big Kinmen. Vaccinations will be based on the order of appointments from June 15th. In addition, 9 contract hospitals in Kinmen will provide vaccination services, including: the headquarters of the Kinmen Hospital (衛福部金門醫院院本部) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Lieyu District, 5 township health centers, Fu Yangxian clinic (傅仰賢診所), Chenshuihu Clinic (陳水湖診所), and Wu Chia Clinic (吾家內心情診所). For elders over 75 years old, the acceptance for vaccination will be based on the place of residence and appointment schedule.

  • Lienchiang County

Elderly persons over 75 years of age shall be notified by the township office for vaccination.

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