
Notice! New immigrants and migrant workers may apply for "Vaccination Injury Compensation", here is the application process

The application process of "Vaccination Injury Compensation" was exposed. Photo/Retrieved from "PChome News"
The application process of "Vaccination Injury Compensation" was exposed. Photo/Retrieved from "PChome News"
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

According to the "4wayvoice" report, foreigners in Taiwan are now open to receive the vaccine for the COVID-19, but are afraid to get vaccinated because they are worried about the possible side effects and also about the protection of their rights. Taiwan established a vaccination injury compensation program in 1988, which includes migrant workers and new immigrants. If there are adverse reactions or other bad effects, the victims may apply for compensation through the "Vaccination Injury Compensation Program" (預防接種受害救濟). Below are the required documents and the application process. Since the relevant documents are mainly filled out in Chinese, migrant workers may need the help of their employer or their intermediary agency if they need to apply.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, 衛生部) stated that anyone who is a "suspected victim of being vaccinated with a vaccine that passed our Taiwan's inspection or approved written review" may apply. Minors need to apply through a legal representative. If the suspected victim dies, the legal heirs need to be the ones to file an application. Victims can apply for compensation from the competent authority within two years of knowing of the "suspected adverse reactions after vaccination" or within five years of the occurrence of the side effects of the vaccination.

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New immigrants and migrant workers can apply for "Vaccination Injury Compensation". Photo/Retrieved from "United Daily News"

New immigrants and migrant workers can apply for "Vaccination Injury Compensation". Photo/Retrieved from "United Daily News"

Applicants can apply at the Ministry of Health of the area where the vaccine was administered or they can log in their personal information on the "Vaccination Injury Compensation Case Report" and contact the public health personnel to complete the application process. When applying, they must prepare the "Application for Vaccination Injury Compensation", a copy of the National ID of the suspected victim, or the application through the legal representative/heir. A copy of the household registration and other proof of the relationship between the suspected victim and the applicants, and the copy of the vaccination certificate should be attached. Other supporting documents of the vaccination injury situation (such as medical institution’s medical certificate, handbook or certificate of disability, death certificate, autopsy report, pre-vaccination health assessment form, photos of suspected adverse reactions, etc.).

After the documents are submitted to the Ministry of Health, the "Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry" (社團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會), a unit of the MOHW, will take over the preparations for the relevant deliberations, and then the meeting of the Vaccination Injury Compensation Review Group of the MOHW will convene a meeting for the approval of the results. The review group is composed of 19 to 25 domestic experts in medicine, health, anatomy and pathology, legal science, and social justice. The review time varies depending on the complexity of the case. On the average, the results will be available in about 6 months, and the MOHW will announce the results with an official document.

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Applicants can apply at the counter or apply online. Photo/provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

Applicants can apply at the counter or apply online. Photo/provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

Vaccination injury compensation payments are divided into different types such as "death payment", "disability payment", "serious disease adverse reactions", "funeral subsidy", "medical subsidy", and other categories.

Depending on the conditions of the case and the result of the review, and the highest compensation can be up to NT$6 million. If you are eligible for compensation, the local health ministry will allocate the compensation funds, and the administrative process will take about 2 months. If the application is not approved, the case will be closed. If the application is disapproved, the applicant can send their petition documents to the MOHW within 30 days after receiving the official document of the application result.

The rights and interests of the victims of vaccination are released. Picture/provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

The rights and interests of the victims of vaccination are released. Picture/provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

The Ministry of Labor (MOL, 勞動部) pointed out that if migrant workers experience adverse reactions after being vaccinated, their employers or the intermediary agencies should assist them in seeking medical treatment as soon as possible. If severe adverse reactions occur or if they suffer other injuries, migrant workers may apply in accordance with the current vaccination injury compensation program. Since the relevant vaccination injury compensation procedures for victims are complete, migrant workers are reassured and they can receive vaccinations without worries. If there are other questions, please call the 1922 hotline or the county and city health bureau for inquiries.

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