
Swiss International Film Festival: Taiwan's Fantasy Literature

Taiwanese film director Yang Ya-che's (楊雅喆) "Magician on the Skywalk" will be exhibited at the Neuchatel International Fantastique Film Festival (NIFFF). (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan (MOC))
Taiwanese film director Yang Ya-che's (楊雅喆) "Magician on the Skywalk" will be exhibited at the Neuchatel International Fantastique Film Festival (NIFFF). (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan (MOC))
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

The year 2021 is the 20th anniversary of the Neuchatel International Fantastique Film Festival (瑞士國際奇幻影展, NIFFF). Taiwan is this year's theme country with "奇幻福爾摩沙-FORMOSA FANTASTICA" launching from July 2 to July 10.

According to the "Centre Culturel de Taiwan à Paris (文化部駐法國台灣文化中心)", the biggest feature under NIFFF is avant-garde and innovation. The 3 major features of the film festival are Fantasy, Asia, and Digitalization. These emphasize virtual realities (VR), extended realities (ER), and also trends of Asian films. 

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The theme for this year's NIFFF is Taiwan, launching "奇幻福爾摩沙-FORMOSA FANTASTICA" from July 2 to July 10. (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan (MOC))The theme for this year's NIFFF is Taiwan, launching "奇幻福爾摩沙-FORMOSA FANTASTICA" from July 2 to July 10. (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan (MOC)) 

"奇幻福爾摩沙-FORMOSA FANTASTICA" is divided into 4 major parts. The "feature film" focuses on various genres like comedy, action, love, thriller, and more. Yu Yu's (余聿) "Daisy" was awarded the Animation Silver Medal for the Student Academy Award among many others. The "Immersive Sensory Experience" category was "An Ode To Moss" by Su (蘇盈馨) with a musical introspection by singer An Pu (安溥). Furthermore, the "Fantasy Literature in Taiwan - Online Event" category presented Wu Ming-yi 吳明益 (author of The Man With The Compound Eyes, The Magician On The Skywalk) and Chi Ta-wei 紀大偉 (author of The Membrane, Perles). These authors were invited to meet with fans and discuss fantasy literature in Taiwan.

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 Taiwanese film director John Hsu's (徐漢強) "Great Hoax: The Moon Landing". (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan (MOC))Taiwanese film director John Hsu's (徐漢強) "Great Hoax: The Moon Landing". (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan (MOC))

Based on the program's content design, the NIFFF hosted both online and offline events. Before and after the event was broadcasted, the audience had the chance to meet with directors, film critics, and authors. More info can be found on the "奇幻福爾摩沙-FORMOSA FANTASTICA" website.

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