
The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library established a "Multicultural Section" for new immigrants and their children

The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library has a Vietnamese-themed book area. Photo provided by The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library
The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library has a Vietnamese-themed book area. Photo provided by The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

 The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library established a "multicultural section" that has gradually accumulated over 3,000 volumes from Southeast Asian nations in an effort to promote the culture of the new immigrants. New immigrants parents can take their kids to the library and read stories about their homeland together thanks to reading and other activities.

A multicultural section of the Meinong Library branch has been established, gathering literature from countries including Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Thailand, among others. Additionally, there is a book fair with a Vietnamese theme where general public can view authentic Vietnamese books as well as Vietnamese cuisine, literature, and history.

The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library established a "Multicultural Section" for new immigrants and their children.Photo provided by The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library

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The Vietnamese new immigrant woman (杜氏河) brought her kids to the Meinong Library branch to read them childhood stories and told the children about the cultural customs of Vietnam. She appreciates that now she can pass on those beautiful stories and let them understand the culture of her hometown.

The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library established a "Multicultural Section" for new immigrants and their children.Photo provided by The Meinong Branch of the Kaohsiung Public Library

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There will be two or three book fairs themed with various nations a year, according to Meinong Library branch. It is anticipated that new immigrants and their friends would introduce their kids to reading and lending books while still preserving their own culture.

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