
Attention to students and teachers! Less strict measures imposed in schools below tertiary-level

Students can take off their masks when taking outdoor physical education and wind instrument classes. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)
Students can take off their masks when taking outdoor physical education and wind instrument classes. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by CHI CHIA I

Pandemic slows in Taiwan and the Ministry of Education (MOE) once again revised the epidemic prevention guidelines for primary, secondary and tertiary schools. Official documents are issued to schools and published on the website. The guidelines are as follow, students can take off their masks when taking outdoor physical education and wind instrument classes. Besides, no mask is required for taking graduation photos and participating in pre-booked sports games. Moreover, with no one having respiratory symptoms & maintaining social distancing, no mask is required for taking individual photos and group photos indoors and outdoors.

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Dishes in the forms of share plates and buffet can resume now. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

Dishes in the forms of share plates and buffet can resume now. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

The temperature screening measures on campus have changed. Before, one should take temperatures before entering the school and in the afternoon respectively. However, one should just take temperatures once a day now. School cafeteria and food courts should still comply with the "Epidemic Prevention Management Measures for Food and beverage industry".

While having meals, it was stipulated that only individual set meals are available, and separated dining spaces & maintaining social distancing are required. Furthermore, arranging two tables together is not allowed back then. However, it has been changed to no separated dining spaces and a 1.5-meter social distancing is needed now. Besides, dishes in the forms of share plates and buffets can resume now.

At the same time, scanning QR codes, regular environmental cleaning & disinfection, wearing masks, frequent hand washing & hand disinfection, and temperature screening should be implemented.

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A reminder to campus teachers and students, everyone should follow the latest campus epidemic prevention guidelines issued by the MOE. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

A reminder to campus teachers and students, everyone should follow the latest campus epidemic prevention guidelines issued by the MOE. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

In addition, school outing measures will be less strict too. One traveling to mountains, forests or beaches should still maintain social distancing, wear masks, and follow the capacity limit on the number of people. When taking a bus, it should be pre-booked, and one should always sit on the same seat. The number of people on the bus should follow the capacity limit as well. A reminder to campus teachers and students, everyone should follow the latest campus epidemic prevention guidelines issued by the MOE.

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