
New residents in Penghu exchange gourmet food from various countries

China Youth Corps of Penghu County organized “Gourmet food exchanges among various countries”. (Photo / Provided by China Youth Corps of Penghu County)
China Youth Corps of Penghu County organized “Gourmet food exchanges among various countries”. (Photo / Provided by China Youth Corps of Penghu County)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by CHI CHIA I

China Youth Corps of Penghu County (救國團澎湖縣團委會), Care Association for spouses from China (大陸配偶關懷協會), and Care Association for Southeast Asian Women (東南亞婦女關懷協會) jointly organized “Care Activities for New Residents”. It includes “Domestic violence prevention & Traffic safety advocacy”, “Introduction to traditional festivals in various countries and regions”, “Telling my hometowns - Narrate the origin”, and “Making Exotic food”. The knowledge of different fields allows new residents who reside in Penghu County to experience the meaning of multiculturalism and an inclusive society.

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Vietnamese spring rolls are just as popular as Indonesian shrimp cakes. (Photo / Provided by China Youth Corps of Penghu County)

Vietnamese spring rolls are just as popular as Indonesian shrimp cakes. (Photo / Provided by China Youth Corps of Penghu County)

The “Care Activities for New Residents” promote food exchanges among different countries such as Vietnamese spring rolls (春捲), Vietnamese cake made of glutinous rice (涼糕), Guilin meat dumplings (肉粽), Cantonese chicken (口水雞), Malaysian curry chicken (咖哩), Indonesian shrimp cakes (蝦餅), Indonesian rice cakes (菜粿), Besides, there were many local dishes prepared for the festival including Taiwanese wraps (潤餅), Taiwanese rice dumplings (粽子), steamed sticky rice (油飯) and kuehzi (粿子), etc. A variety of gourmet snacks made the new residents and their children very satisfied.

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China Youth Corps of Penghu County helps new residents integrate into local society. (Photo / Provided by National Immigration Agency)

China Youth Corps of Penghu County helps new residents integrate into local society. (Photo / Provided by National Immigration Agency)

Yang Xuan Yu (楊玄羽), chief of China Youth Corps of Penghu County, said that if new residents need any help, China Youth Corps is happy to transfer them to "Teacher Zhang Counseling Center" or the "China Youth Corps Love and Emergency Aid Foundation", providing a helping hand and the advice for them.

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