
Taipei introduces household COVID testing measures

All members of the family have to be tested for COIVD-19 if one person has been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease in Taipei City. Image courtesy of Taipei City Government.
All members of the family have to be tested for COIVD-19 if one person has been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease in Taipei City. Image courtesy of Taipei City Government.

Taiwan has extended the level 3 Covid-19 alert to June 14, and local governments are conducting stricter prevention measurements.

At a press conference, Taipei major Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) introduces a new requirement, saying that all members of the family have to be tested for COIVD-19 if one person has been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease. 

More articles: I have infected COVID-19. What should I be aware of?

Household transmission is one of the biggest reasons for the clusters of transmission in Taiwan. Image courtesy of China Times.Household transmission is one of the biggest reasons for the clusters of transmission in Taiwan. Image courtesy of China Times.

Taipei major Ko Wen-je mentions that household transmission is one of the biggest reasons for the clusters of transmission in Taiwan. Therefore, Ko introduces the new requirement, in the hope to prevent more household transmission.     

Currently, if a person is diagnosed with COVID-19, the other family members are required to conduct a Self-Health Management.

Major Ko thinks that this may increase the risk of household transmission. Ko says it is better to have the whole family tested for COVID-19. And the testing fee will be covered by the Taipei government.

More articles: Social Distancing App helps with the coronavirus prevention

Traditional markets have risk of spreading the coronavirus virus. Image courtesy of China Times.Traditional markets have risk of spreading the coronavirus virus. Image courtesy of China Times.

At the same time, many people still show up at traditional markets, increasing the risk of getting a coronavirus infection. Mayor Ko urges the public to follow the "go less, buy more" shopping principle. And to shop for groceries no more than twice a week.

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