
Important Announcement Nationwide level 3 alert Extended until 6/14

Nationwide level 3 alert Extended until 6/14. Image courtesy of CECC.
Nationwide level 3 alert Extended until 6/14. Image courtesy of CECC.

As domestic infection cases continue to rise in Taiwan, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on May 25 the nationwide Level 3 Covid alert will be to extended until June 14.


Nationwide level 3 alert Extended until 6/14. Image courtesy of CECC. Image courtesy of MOL.

Nationwide level 3 alert Extended until 6/14. Image courtesy of CECC. Image courtesy of MOL.

According to FOCUS TAIWAN, the Level 3 alert, which was first issued for May 19-28, means that all schools across the country will remain closed until June 14, said Chen, who heads the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC).


Nationwide level 3 alert Extended until 6/14. Image courtesy of CECC. Image courtesy of MOL.

Nationwide level 3 alert Extended until 6/14. Image courtesy of CECC. Image courtesy of MOL.

According to the CECC's guidelines, the extension of the Level 3 alert also means the continued closure of public venues and business places, except for government offices and those that provide essential services such as medical care.

FOCUS TAIWAN mwntions, at those places that remain open, strict mask wearing and social distancing protocols must be observed, the CECC mandates.



1 Wear mask properly

2 Maintain social distancing

3 Avoid unnecessary gatherings

4 Keep your hands clean

5 Follow relevant epidemic preventive


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