
Hot summer ``outdoor work'' can lead to heatstroke. Here are 4 ways to prevent heat injury

Outdoor workers are prone to suffering from heat stroke. (Photo / Retrieved from United Daily News)
Outdoor workers are prone to suffering from heat stroke. (Photo / Retrieved from United Daily News)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

To prevent the spread of the local COVID-19 epidemic, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心) called on all people to wear masks, wash hands frequently, and maintain appropriate social distance to jointly fight the epidemic. However, when working outdoors in the scorching summer heat, aside from epidemic prevention, we must also be careful to avoid heat injury.

The National Health Promotion Administration (國民健康署) recommends that people who work outdoors or people who need water can quickly and easily find the nearest Fengcha station (奉茶站) (currently more than 7,000 stations have been set up in Taiwan) through the "Operation Feng Cha" (奉茶行動) APP to quench their thirst and it also promotes environmental protection.

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The Health Promotion Agency teaches 4 ways to prevent heat related health risks. Photo/provided by the National Health Promotion Administration

The Health Promotion Agency teaches 4 ways to prevent heat related health risks. Photo/provided by the National Health Promotion Administration

The National Health Promotion Administration reminds people of 4 ways to prevent heat injury:

  1. Replenish water regularly

In a hot environment, regardless of the activity level, one should drink water regularly, and should not wait until thirsty before drinking. Pay attention to urine volume and color. If urine volume decreases and the color becomes darker, it means that the body is not hydrated, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

  1. Pay attention to the temperature and humidity of the working environment and the condition of people around you

Always pay attention to changes in weather, temperature, and humidity. Pay attention to working hours, avoid direct sunlight at noon when working outdoors; provide shade, use heat insulation and ventilation equipment, and create a cool resting place; avoid enclosed spaces, maintain air circulation, and always pay attention to the condition of people around you.

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Remind people to drink plenty of water to prevent heatstroke. Photo/Retrieved from "United Daily News”

Remind people to drink plenty of water to prevent heatstroke. Photo/Retrieved from "United Daily News”

  1. Take personal sun protection measures

Work clothes should be loose, breathable, and light-colored as much as possible; take sun protection measures and wear ventilated hats.

  1. Pay attention to personal health condition

For people who use drugs that may induce heat stroke, including drugs that increase heat production (such as thyroxine), or increase water loss (such as diuretics), and who work in high temperature or high humidity environments should take pre-employment and regular health check-ups.

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