
雙語新聞-美國探險隊完成最深沉船淺水 發現美軍二戰驅逐艦American exploration team reaches world's deepest shipwreck in the Philippines

雙語新聞-美國探險隊完成最深沉船淺水 發現美軍二戰驅逐艦American exploration team reaches world's deepest shipwreck in the Philippines

美國探險隊完成最深沉船淺水 發現美軍二戰驅逐艦

American exploration team reaches world's deepest shipwreck in the Philippines



According to THE STRAITS TIMES, a US navy destroyer sunk during World War II and lying nearly 6,500 meters below sea level off the Philippines has been reached in the world's deepest shipwreck dive, an American exploration team said.

德州卡拉丹海洋科學探測公司(Caladan Oceanic)表示,有人潛水器上次三月底在2次各8小時的潛水中拍攝影片和照片,勘測沉沒薩馬島(Samar Island)外海的強斯敦號驅逐艦(USS Johnston)。

A crewed submersible filmed, photographed and surveyed the wreckage of the USS Johnston off Samar Island during two eight-hour dives completed late last month (March), Texas-based undersea technology company Caladan Oceanic said.

長115公尺的強斯敦號是在1944年10月25日雷伊泰灣戰役(Battle of Leyte Gulf)中沉沒。當時為美軍殖民地的菲律賓被日軍占領。

The 115m-long ship was sunk on Oct 25, 1944, during the Battle of Leyte Gulf as US forces fought to liberate the Philippines - then a US colony - from Japanese occupation.


THE STRAITS TIMES mentions, only 141 of the ship's 327 crew survived, according to US Navy records. The Caladan Oceanic-backed expedition found the bow, bridge and mid-section intact with the hull number "557" still visible. Two full five-inch gun turrets, twin torpedo racks and multiple gun mounts remain in place, it said.

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