
Couldn't sleep at night? unexpected reasons to explain your insomnia

Couldn't sleep at night? unexpected reasons to explain your insomnia

(Source: pinterest.com)

A good night's sleep is so crucial to our health and supports our whole day of work, and sleepless nights leave us feeling tired and groggy the next day. Reasons may differ, but figuring out them is incredibly helpful to solve your insomnia. The following reasons might allow you to explain your sleeplessness and further solve it.


  • Doing too much before bed

Working right up until bedtime doesn’t give you a chance to wind down and prepare your body for sleep. Try to take an hour before bed to transition from the person-who-can-do-everything into the person-who-can-sleep. You can rather read a book, take a bath — or whatever will make you feel most relaxed. 


  • Hormones are out of whack

As women, we are more prone to having poor sleep around menstruation, and that’s related to pain and mood changes. In the days before the period begins, both hormones levels drop which can cause insomnia. According to a 2007 National Sleep Foundation poll, 33% of women say their sleep is disturbed during their menstrual cycles. Another 16% report missing one or more days of work in the past month because of sleep problems. (Altogether, 67% of women report having a sleep problem a few nights a week.) To combat menstrual-related sleep problems, exercising more, avoiding alcohol, or absorbing enough proteins may be helpful.

  • Excessive smoking

Nicotine is a stimulant that will keep you awake longer and since you may experience nicotine withdrawal through the night it will affect your sleep. One study found that women in late mid-life who smoke are even more susceptible to developing insomnia. Once you start smoking, your sleep will never be the same again.


  • Addicted to technology

According to Younes, F, et al (2016), "significant correlations were found between potential Internet Addiction (IA) and insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, and self-esteem". Experts also say that if we want to overcome this kind of insomnia, we have to put down the phone or tablet at least one hour before going to sleep. This way, our brain won’t be hyperactive and sleeping will come much easier. 


  • Drinking too much caffeine

Just like smoking does, drinking too much coffee or tea in the evening is a particularly bad idea — it can interfere with normal sleep and leave you feeling even more tired. Stick to decaf beverages after dinner and limit your intake to three 8 oz. doses of caffeine per day to ensure that your coffee habit won’t make it hard to fall asleep.


  • Your biological clock goes unstably

Staying up late on Friday and Saturday nights and sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday mornings is frequently the gift we give ourselves on weekends after a hard week at work. However, that little gift is likely to screw up our biological clocks and make us extremely reluctant for Mondays' works. Trying to loyally stick to your stable biological clocks will allow you to get asleep soon and better.









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