
Businesses are reopening: Labor groups are asking for higher wages

Labor groups today called on the Government to consider raising basic wages. Photo/Provided by Central News Agency
Labor groups today called on the Government to consider raising basic wages. Photo/Provided by Central News Agency
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

Today, labor groups pointed out that although Taiwan's nationwide level three alert heavily impacted the service industry, Taiwan's economic performance in the first two quarters was good, and when the level three alert is lifted, the fourth quarter should also have increased consumption, but basic wages should still be raised.

Basic wages will be discussed in September, whether it will be adjusted or not. When the Covid-19 nationwide level three alert was raised at the end of May, the domestic service industry was badly hit but the manufacturing industry was not affected. However, it might not be realistic to adjust basic wages based on industry. 

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Taiwan's Labor Front Secretary-General Sun You-lian (台灣勞工陣線秘書長孫友聯) said: “We should not look at only one quarter, because the surge in Covid cases happened in the second quarter, and we are now entering the third quarter, we should look at the whole situation. So, to some extent, I think there is still some room to increase basic wages this year. “

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Industry groups also pointed out that although this year's Covid-19 epidemic in Taiwan is more serious than last year, and many workers have lost their jobs, put on unpaid leave and affected by the epidemic.

They also argued that basic wages should still be raised and that subsidies should be given to industries affected by the epidemic to ensure that the increased wages will be paid by the businesses.

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