
MOE distributed language teaching tools to improve new immigrants’ mother tongue learning

Ministry of Education distributed teaching tools for new immigrants’ learning. (Photo / Provided by the K-12 Education Administration MOE)
Ministry of Education distributed teaching tools for new immigrants’ learning. (Photo / Provided by the K-12 Education Administration MOE)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by CHI CHIA I

To further promote the language curriculum for new immigrants and enhance the learning ability of the children, K-12 Education Administration (國教署), Ministry of Education (MOE) will issue word cards, picture cards, alphabets and other teaching tools under the scheme of "2021 Language Teaching for New Immigrants".

The materials provided to the teaching personnel (support staff) will assist students in learning, and the use of tools can vary from which level students are at. It is believed that students will learn languages through daily life communication, at the same time have a deeper understanding of multiculturalism.

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Language teaching materials provided to enhance the learning effect of the children. (Photo / Provided by the K-12 Education Administration MOE)

Language teaching materials provided to enhance the learning effect of the children. (Photo / Provided by the K-12 Education Administration MOE)

K-12 Education Administration stated the teaching tools and guides have been distributed to local government counseling groups and teaching support staff before schools reopen. The tools include cards of vocabularies and phrases which can be used to form a sentence and the lessons can be conducted in an interesting way. Activities such as arranging, flipping, and drawing cards will stimulate students' learning motivation and deepen their understanding of the grammatical structure and semantic meaning.

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The assistance of word cards and picture cards promotes language learning. (Photo / Provided by the K-12 Education Administration MOE)

The assistance of word cards and picture cards promotes language learning. (Photo / Provided by the K-12 Education Administration MOE)

Lastly, it is hoped that students can efficiently improve their basic listening, speaking, reading and writing by connecting words with life scenarios. Besides, the interaction between students and teaching staff will also encourage exchanges among them, allowing teachers to obtain constructive feedback and enhance their teaching.

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