
17th International Architecture Exhibition – Taiwan Pavilion: International Appreciation for Taiwanese Art

NTMoFA director Liang Yung-fei (梁永斐) at the virtual press conference for the "17th International Architecture Exhibition – Taiwan Pavilion". (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture)
NTMoFA director Liang Yung-fei (梁永斐) at the virtual press conference for the "17th International Architecture Exhibition – Taiwan Pavilion". (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA) hosted a virtual international press conference on June 23, inviting the main curators of the "17th International Architecture Exhibition – Taiwan Pavilion," to introduce the design ideas and practices of Taiwan's architectural design, alongside a pre-recorded video of the exhibition site.

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Founder of Double-Grass International Co., Frank Huang (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture)Founder of Double-Grass International Co., Frank Huang (Photo / Provided by the Ministry of Culture)

Initially set to take place at Palazzo delle Prigioni, the press conference has been shifted online following the impact of the COVID-19. Those present included NTMoFA director Liang Yung-fei (梁永斐), director of Divooe Zein Architects (自然洋行建築團隊) Divooe Zein (曾志偉), and founder of Double-Grass International Co. (草字頭國際) Frank Huang (黃偉倫).

During the press conference, Zein pointed out that this exhibition focuses on sustainable environment, ecology, and environmentally friendly buildings to present an exemplary model for future architecture. He added that the space demand of buildings and material usages are inferred from user behaviors.

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"Taiwan Outing" exhibition site of Pu Palace, the right work is "Wild Great Wall", and the left work is "Natural Monastery". (Photo/provided by the Ministry of Culture)"Taiwan Outing" exhibition site of Pu Palace, the right work is "Wild Great Wall", and the left work is "Natural Monastery". (Photo/provided by the Ministry of Culture) 

Huang said the Taiwan Pavilion exhibition is curated to echo the central theme "How will we live together." Through the analysis of unique cases and interdisciplinary collaborations, the curatorial teams put forward the project called "Primitive Migration from/to Taiwan" to explore the boundaries between humanity, the environment, industry, and nature. Watch the video here.

The exhibition which takes place at Palazzo delle Prigioni, an ancient prison situated in the heart of Venice, will be on display until Nov.21. It is also one of the most important tourist attractions.

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