
NIA Taoyuan Station hosts a web conference to promote quintuple stimulus vouchers to revitalize the economy

National Immigration Agency Taoyuan Service Station holds a web conference to promote the economy with quintuple stimulus vouchers. (Photo/Taoyuan City Service Station)
National Immigration Agency Taoyuan Service Station holds a web conference to promote the economy with quintuple stimulus vouchers. (Photo/Taoyuan City Service Station)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

To create a friendly immigration environment, the Taoyuan City Service Station of the North District Affairs Brigade of the National Immigration Agency (NIA, 移民署北區事務大隊桃園市服務站) held the "New Immigrant Care Network Conference" (新住民關懷網絡會議) in Taoyuan City on September 30th. About 50 members from the private sector network participated in the promotion of government policies, experience sharing and business exchanges, including promotion of the quintuple stimulus vouchers, African swine fever prevention, foreigners’ new unified certificate numbers, and prevention of human trafficking. To strengthen the care for the new immigrants and assist the new residents of Taoyuan City to adapt to local life.

Recently, the government issued quintuple stimulus vouchers to help revitalize the economy. To enable new immigrants know more about the quintuple stimulus vouchers, it was announced at the meeting that aside from Taiwanese nationals, the foreign spouses, mainland spouses, spouses from Hong Kong and Macau, with valid residency permits and foreigners with permanent residency permits, or foreign diplomatic personnel stationed in Taiwan and their family members who have valid residency certificates, can all receive the quintuple stimulus vouchers.

Read More: English menu added to Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers website

The staff of the Taoyuan City Service Station of the National Immigration Agency promoted the target use of the quintuple stimulus vouchers. (Photo/Provided by Taoyuan City Service Station)

The staff of the Taoyuan City Service Station of the National Immigration Agency promoted the target use of the quintuple stimulus vouchers. (Photo/Provided by Taoyuan City Service Station)

There are two ways to collect the vouchers, paper and digital. However, for digital binding, a health insurance card is required. For new immigrants who have not obtained a health insurance card can directly go to the post office to collect their paper vouchers using their alien residence permit.

The station also reminds the foreign spouses who hold applications, investments etc., and not holding dependent residence visas but have residence permits or employment gold cards, need to contact the local immigration station and provide their residence certificate numbers and the national ID number of their Taiwanese spouse. After confirmation as a spouse of a Taiwanese national, they may immediately make a reservation or collect the stimulus vouchers. If the spouse had already registered for and received the triple stimulus vouchers last year, then there is no need to register again.

In addition, to protect the Taiwanese swine industry, the meeting also called on the new immigrants not to illegally import meat from foreign countries, and not to buy meat products with unknown origin online. If you receive unidentified meat, please throw away with the general garbage or report to the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (動植物防疫檢疫局). Carrying meat products into the country in violation of the regulations can be fined up to NT$1 million. Importing pork products that have not passed quarantine will be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of up to 7 years and a fine of up to NT$3 million.

Read More: Quintuple stimulus vouchers’ digital binding will start on September 22, and new immigrants are eligible to receive the vouchers if they meet these conditions

Huang Ying-Kuei, director of Taoyuan City Service Station (2nd from left), promoted the quintuple stimulus vouchers to members who participated in the conference. (Photo/Provided by Taoyuan City Service Station)

Huang Ying-Kuei, director of Taoyuan City Service Station (2nd from left), promoted the quintuple stimulus vouchers to members who participated in the conference. (Photo/Provided by Taoyuan City Service Station)

Huang Ying-Kuei (黃英貴), director of the Taoyuan City Service Station, said that the "New Immigrants Care Network Conference" is a conference that connects the central and the local public and private departments and is held exclusively for new immigrants. The problems faced by new immigrants are diverse and complex, and one single resource cannot provide full assistance. It is necessary to jointly promote new immigrants’ services and community care stations with enthusiastic public welfare associations, and new immigrants’ NGOs. This way, the new immigrants may receive deeper and better-quality service.

To enable new immigrants to better understand the information related to the quintuple stimulus vouchers, the NIA has specially produced multilingual lazy packs, Q&A and graphic cards available in Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Indian, Thai, Cambodian, and Burmese. Hopefully, everyone can make use of these information and share them with others, to help revitalize Taiwan's economy together.

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