
氣候變化:減少碳足跡 的十大技巧 (中文-英文)

氣候變化:減少碳足跡 的十大技巧 (中文-英文)


Climate change: Top 10 tips to reduce carbon footprint revealed

(Source: Pixabay)


Climate change can still be tackled – but only if people are willing to embrace major shifts in the way we live, a report says.



The authors have put together a list of the best ways for people to reduce their carbon footprints.



The response to the Covid-19 crisis has shown that the public is willing to accept radical change if they consider it necessary, they explain.



And the report adds that government priorities must be re-ordered.



Protecting the planet must become the first duty of all decision-makers, the researchers argue.



The authors urge the public to contribute by adopting the carbon-cutting measures in the report, which is based on an analysis of 7,000 other studies.



Top options for reducing your carbon footprint (average reduction per person in tonnes CO2 equivalent):


  • Live car-free (2.04) 無車生活 2.04噸 
  • Battery electric car (1.95) 電車 1.95噸
  • One less long-haul flight per year (1.68) 每年減少一次長途飛行 1.68噸
  • Renewable energy (1.6) 再生能源 1.6噸
  • Public transport (0.98) 大眾運輸 0.98噸
  • Refurbishment / Renovation (0.895) 房子刷新 0.895噸
  • Vegan diet (0.8) 純素飲食 0.8噸
  • Heat pump (0.795) 熱泵 0.795噸
  • Improved cooking equipment (0.65) 改善炊具 0.65噸
  • Renewable-based heating (0.64) 可再生能源的暖氣 0.64噸




Top of the list is living car-free, which saves an average of 2.04 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per person annually.



This is followed by driving a battery-electric car - 1.95 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per person annually - and taking one less long-haul flight each year - 1.68 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per person.



Switching to a vegan diet will help - but less than tackling transport, the research shows.



It says popular activities such as recycling are worthwhile but don’t cut emissions by as much.



Change of mindset


第一作者,里茲大學的Diana Ivanova博士告訴英國廣播公司:“我們需要徹底改變觀念。

The lead author, Dr. Diana Ivanova from Leeds University, told BBC News: “We need a complete change of mindset.



“We have to agree how much carbon we can each emit within the limits of what the planet can bear – then make good lives within those boundaries.



“The top 10 options are available to us now, without the need for controversial and expensive new technologies.”


Diana Ivanova博士說,冠狀病毒的封鎖令顯現,如果公共交通,步行和騎行被改善,許多人可以不用使用汽車生活。

Dr. Ivanova said the coronavirus lockdown has shown that many people could live without cars if public transport, walking, and cycling were improved.



Her research highlights rich people who typically take more flights, drive bigger cars, and consume the most.



A 'moral issue'



She said: “All the world suffers from climate change, but it’s not the average person who flies regularly – it’s a small group, yet aviation is under-taxed. It’s a moral issue.”



In her league table, buying renewable power and using public transport rank fourth and fifth.



Sixth is insulating your home well, which saves 0.895 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.



Seventh is switching to a vegan diet, which saves 0.8 tonnes.



Other top actions are using heat pumps; switching from polluting cookstoves (in developing countries) to better methods of cooking, and heating buildings with renewable energy.



Dr. Ivanova said that if people implemented the measures, it would save around nine tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per person per year.



Current annual household emissions are around 10 tonnes in the UK, and 17 in the US.



'Valuable' study


該研究發表在Environmental Research Letters雜誌上不久,它說以下是值得的,但對氣候的好處較小:少用紙或購買更耐用的物品;Ivanova博士表示,關閉恆溫器並進行回收利用,每年可節省0.01噸二氧化碳當量。

The study, out soon in the journal Environmental Research Letters, says the following are worthwhile, but of a lesser benefit to the climate: green roofs; using less paper; buying more durable items; turning down the thermostat - and recycling, which saves 0.01 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, according to Dr. Ivanova.



Some of the findings will be questioned. Polls suggest some people think the climate is as important as the virus, for instance, but some don’t.


澳大利亞New South Wales 大學的Tommy Wiedmann 教授說:“這是一項有價值的研究。但它只考慮碳足跡,而不考慮其他影響,例如由於電動汽車電池的鋰開採而導致的水資源短缺。“

Professor Tommy Wiedmann from the University of New South Wales in Australia, said: “This is a valuable study. But it only looks at the carbon footprint and not at other impacts like water scarcity because of lithium mining for electric car batteries.


來自綠色聯盟智囊團的Libby Peake告訴英國廣播公司:“人們不應該停止良好的生活習慣,例如回收利用,這樣可以節省一些碳,同時防止浪費和節約資源。”

Libby Peake, from the Green Alliance, think tank, told BBC News: “People shouldn’t stop good habits like recycling, which saves some carbon while preventing waste and conserving resources.”



“Better design allows people to buy fewer but higher-quality things and to live in buildings with lower carbon footprints. These savings aren’t necessarily covered by this study.”


Source: BBC






Source: Pixabay

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