
Single mother Zhang Yanjun reversed the predicament, started a business and taught new residents to become self-reliant

Zhang Yanjun (張艷君) from Guilin, Guangxi, China. Photo reproduced form National Education Radio
Zhang Yanjun (張艷君) from Guilin, Guangxi, China. Photo reproduced form National Education Radio
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

In cooperation with the National Education Radio [United Nations of Happiness], a series of exciting stories about new immigrants in Taiwan is launched. This episode, “Behind every successful child there is an amazing mother,” (成功的孩子背後有一個了不起的母親) (broadcast on National Education Radio on June 30th).  Wu Zhen Nan (吳振南) and Huang Xiu Lian (黃秀蓮), the hosts, conducted interviews with new immigrant, Zhang Yanjun (張豔君) and her daughter Xiao Yiping (蕭依蘋). Zhang wed Taiwan 20 years ago and, after her spouse passed away suddenly, became a single mother. She did not, however, let the difficulty get her down; instead, she developed a food brand, started a barbecue restaurant, and this year, her devoted daughter was accepted into the accounting department of National Taiwan University, giving her the satisfaction that "all the hard work was worthwhile."

[Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network] presents this episode in 5 languages including Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Thai and Indonesian, enabling more readers to explore immigrants’ life in Taiwan. 

"At that time, it was really difficult!" When Zhang Yanjun from Guilin, Guangxi, China first got married and moved to Taiwan, she fell in love with the country. The princess and prince would "live happily ever after," she also thought. Her husband died as a result of myocardial infarction. Not only did she lose her support in life, but he also had to raise her two children on her own and care for her diabetic father-in-law. "It seems like there is no tomorrow every day."

Because her son suffers from a congenital disease, he needs to go north to see a doctor every month and needs to get injections every night. These were originally done by her husband, now they are completely her responsibility. She wanted to have more freedom because she was the executive of the firm at the time. She had switched her job in order to take care of my family.

“No matter what issues or challenges you face, you must find a solution and go through them.” She reminded herself to be strong as she recalled what her mother had said to herself. But because of the stress of life, she once sought out a psychiatrist's assistance. Do your best to adapt, "If I get it, I'll fill it up. Everyone's got a different test paper."

She had the notion to make scallop sauce since she remembered that while her husband was around, he frequently purchased it. Zhang Yanjun utilizes chili sauce of Guilin, as the basis instead of the sweet Taiwanese scallop sauce. She got compliment by word of mouth, and when she produced scallop sauce for a charity sale, it sold out and garnered rave reviews from customers, boosting her confidence in her abilities.

Read more: Hsu (許燦煌): From a businessman to collector of Vietnamese cultural artifacts

Zhang Yanjun (張艷君) incorporates Taiwanese ingredients into home-style chili sauce and establish her own brand.Photo reproduced form National Education Radio

Zhang participated in the new women's entrepreneurial planning course and the "Power of Women" competition (新住民創業女性加速器計劃) in 2018 thanks to the establishment of Chiayi New Immigrant Women's Care Association (嘉義市新移民女性關懷協會). She won first place in the nation as well as a bonus of $NT 300,000. With this prize, she was finally able to open her studio and live out her ambition of selling her own black garlic, spicy sauce, and scallop sauce.

Huang Xiu Lian (黃秀蓮), the host, couldn't help but ask Zhang Yanjun, "You are so busy with work, you have to look after your kids and your father-in-law, and you have moved a lot to be near the hospital and school. How can you keep the bond between parents and children and their education?” Despite her busy schedule, Zhang Yanjun, a former teacher, insisted that "accompanying is a must." And because she experienced the kindness of Taiwanese society following the death of her spouse. Zhang Yanjun also desired to bring her kids in order to support the community. During the winter and summer holidays, she used to take kids on excursions around the island. Send meals to a senior citizen who lives alone.

Zhang Yanjun happened to meet a chef who specializes in roast beef of Hong Kong last year. The master helped her start a store in addition to teaching her the necessary skills. Despite being on third-level epidemic alert at the time, she actively developed online orders, debuted new recipes, and introduced frozen meals. She was also able to recruit four additional new immigrant sisters and a challenged Taiwanese to work together because to her first-place ranking in the food delivery platform's order rate.

"Innovation and hard work are essential to everything!" Her daughter has observed Zhang Yanjun's actions and moral principles in her eyes. She had previously been a motivated, high-level vocational student. She was accepted into the National Taiwan University's Accounting Department this year. Zhang Yanjun firmly believed that "the sacrifices made in the past were worthwhile.” The hosts used the tale of Zhang Yanjun's family to reassure the audience that while challenges will certainly arise in life, as long as you don't give up and are prepared to put in the necessary effort, you will undoubtedly have a chance to succeed.

Please listen to the “Behind every successful child there is an amazing mother,” (成功的孩子背後有一個了不起的母親)  of National Education Radio [United Nations of Happiness] for more content.

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