
Japan donates 1.24 million doses of AZ vaccines, Taiwanese companies show gratitude

Japan donates 1.24 million doses of the AZ vaccine, and Taiwanese companies have joined forces in the newspaper to show gratitude. Photo/provided by Taiwan representative office in Japan
Japan donates 1.24 million doses of the AZ vaccine, and Taiwanese companies have joined forces in the newspaper to show gratitude. Photo/provided by Taiwan representative office in Japan
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

The 1.24 million doses of AZ vaccine provided by Japan to our country received an upsurge of "Thank you Japan" from the people of Taiwan. In addition to bloggers who initiated the fundraising, they plan to publish physical thank you walls at train stations in Japan.

The Taiwan representative to Japan, Hsieh Chang-ting (謝長廷), said that the message of gratitude published on the newspaper by the Taiwan Heritage Foundation (台灣傳統基金會) and the Taiwan Sakura Homecoming Club (台灣櫻花返郷會) received responses from 130 companies and organizations. The simple words of "Thanks" (感謝) and "Gratitude in Adversity" (患難見真情) have also allowed netizens to express their gratitude to Japan.

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 Hsieh Chang-ting shared on Facebook that Taiwanese companies have joined forces in the newspaper to thank Japan. Photo/provided by Taiwan representative office in Japan

Hsieh Chang-ting shared on Facebook that Taiwanese companies have joined forces in the newspaper to thank Japan. Photo/provided by Taiwan representative office in Japan

Taiwan representative to Japan, Hsieh Chang-ting shared on his Facebook page about Japan’s 1.24 million doses of AZ vaccines donated to Taiwan. The Taiwan Heritage Foundation and Taiwan’s Sakura Homecoming Club  published a thank you message on Japanese media to express sincere gratitude and received responses from 130 companies and organizations. Taiwanese netizens also praised "Taiwan-Japan friendship" (台日友好) and left a message under the post to express their gratitude to Japan.

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“My country’s gratitude to Japan” article was published in the Sankei Shimbun. Photo/Retrieved from "Hsieh Chang-ting's Facebook"

 “My country’s gratitude to Japan” article was published in the Sankei Shimbun. Photo/Retrieved from "Hsieh Chang-ting's Facebook"

At present, on the website of Sankei Shimbun (產經新聞), one can also see related pictures and contents that introduce the reason for this gratitude. When the responding organizations were introduced, Union  Bank of Taiwan (聯邦商業銀行) director, Lin Hung-lian (林鴻聯) said that this publication wants to let the Japanese people know that Taiwanese people are grateful for the vaccines given by Japan. The report also pointed out that this gratitude is not only for the vaccines, but also expresses the expectation of continued friendly relations with Japan.

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