
NIA Kinmen County Service Center Organized Courses to Guide New Immigrants on Applications of Certificates Incentives

NIA Kinmen County Service Center Organized Courses to Guide New Immigrants on Applications of Certificates Incentives. Photo provided by NIA Kinmen County Service Center
NIA Kinmen County Service Center Organized Courses to Guide New Immigrants on Applications of Certificates Incentives. Photo provided by NIA Kinmen County Service Center
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The National Immigration Agency annually awards "The Scholarship Program for Immigrants & their Children (新住民及其子女培力與獎助學金計畫)" to encourage them to obtain technician certificates. NIA Kinmen County Service Center recently received calls from new immigrants to inquire about the methods of scholarship program. Thus, the service center particularly organized a course on the application method of the certificate incentive fund with specialized corps, inviting new immigrants who meet the qualifications and assist them in application procedures.

The enrollment period for the "The Scholarship Program for Immigrants & their Children" for 2023 is February 20–March 20. Download the application form, fill it out, and attach any pertinent supporting documentation after completing the online application in the system. Posting to the National Immigration Agency before March 27 will complete registration.

Read more: NIA “The Scholarship Program for Immigrants & their Children” Now Starts

NIA Kinmen County Service Center Organized Courses to Guide New Immigrants on Applications of Certificates Incentives.Photo provided by NIA Kinmen County Service Center

The chairman (羅建華) of the Second-generation Cross-strait Exchange Association of Kinmen County(金門縣新二代兩岸交流協會), pointed out that the online application is convenient and fast, and thanked the Kinmen County Service Center for organizing this tutorial activity; the director (戴紅) of the Kinmen County New Women’s Rights Association(金門縣新女性權益協會), also said that the Kinmen County Service Center often holds the activities related to new immigrants, participants all feel that they have learned a lot for them.

The Kinmen County Service Center made the point that, in addition to promoting the acquisition of technician certificates, the training and subsidies received by new immigrants and their children can also lessen the registration load. Anybody who is eligible to participate is encouraged to do so.

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