
5 Reminders for New Residents on 2023 Lunar New Year Customs

Foreigners should pay attention to the Lunar New Year customs.  Photo retrieved from Pixabay
Foreigners should pay attention to the Lunar New Year customs. Photo retrieved from Pixabay

Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】The Lunar New Year period is a very special holiday and is a very busy time for Taiwanese people and employers need all the help they can get. However, there are many taboos during the Chinese New Year, and the Taiwanese believe that doing things wrongly may affect the luck of the whole year. "Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network" shares five reminders to pay special attention to.

1. Be careful when cleaning the environment

 Cleaning is a major activity of every family or factory during the Chinese New Year. Although the cleaning work is very trivial, it should still be done properly. Before cleaning, it is best to ask the employer how they want it to be done. You should also clean your own living space. You must be especially careful while cleaning when there are statues of gods, ancestral tablets, and other important equipment, etc. When sweeping the floor, you must sweep towards the inside of the house from the place closest to the door of your home. This symbolizes sweeping in money and riches.

2. Taboos to pay attention to while praying

There are many rules and taboos during the New Year especially when worshiping ancestors. Foreigners should be careful not to make mistakes. Since you came to Taiwan to work, you should ask your employer about the rules and small taboos during the New Year, especially when it comes to worshiping gods and ancestors. To avoid any unpleasantness or making your employer feel bad, talk nicely during the Chinese New Year, and the luck will be good for the whole year.

3. Control your eating during Chinese New Year

New Year's Eve is a day for employers to reunite with their families and have dinner together. Your employer may invite you to join. You must pay attention to dining etiquette and be polite. There are many delicious foods to eat during the New Year, but the meals may be too oily or greasy and eating too much might be bad for the body. Eating should be controlled and do pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene to avoid gastrointestinal problems.

4. Be careful when going to public places

The Chinese New Year period is an important continuous holiday in Taiwan. Many will go to places with a lot of people, such as department stores, tourist attractions, temples, and other public places. Do not expose your money and be careful with your valuables. Some bad people may take the opportunity to steal from you so keep your wallet in your hand or in your bag and carry your bag in front of you.

5. Do not overindulge when gathering with friends

During the Chinese New Year holidays, some foreign workers will gather with their friends. There were instances in the past wherein some foreign workers got hit by vehicles on the road. There was also one who got so drunk that his residence permit was stolen by a new acquaintance and then used for illegal purposes. So, when you go out and gather with friends, be aware of the time and be careful when going home to avoid unpleasant incidents. Always pay attention to your own safety.

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