
雙語新聞-台、菲合製《海邊最後的夏天》 紀錄片入選「柏林影展」!A Philippine-Taiwan production, Last Days at Sea

雙語新聞-台、菲合製《海邊最後的夏天》 紀錄片入選「柏林影展」!A Philippine-Taiwan production, Last Days at Sea

台、菲合製《海邊最後的夏天》 紀錄片入選「柏林影展」!

A Philippine-Taiwan production, Last Days at Sea    


《海邊最後的夏天》紀錄片,由菲律賓導演Venice Atienza與台灣製片吳璠聯手打造。台灣宇宙子電影公司Svemirko Film製作的紀錄片《海邊最後的夏天》入選柏林影展新世代單元。製片吳璠表示,開心能分享作品給國際觀眾,盼有日能來到台灣交流。

Last Days at Sea is a documentary film produced by Venice Atienza together with Fan Wu. The documentary is produced by the Svemirko Film Productions, which is a company co-founded by Venice Atienza from the Philippines and Fan Wu from Taiwan. The documentary is competing at the 71st Berlinale-Berlin International Film Festival Generation Section. 

The story is about a boy who is set to leave his home in an isolated fishing village to study in a high school in the city.

Venice Atienza原本只是因工作到菲律賓南部拍下漁村被颱風肆虐後的復原過程,卻因此遇到了當地年僅8歲的男孩Reyboy,見到Reyboy純真卻成熟的模樣,讓他們興起拍攝念頭。

According to FILM DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINES, Atienza and Wu revealed that the documentary is a personal story of Atienza about her encounter with Reyboy, whom she met five years ago when she produced a video about how his community survives destructive storms.


Wu mentions that it is a happy to receive support from the Berlin International Film Festival. And the film will be in theatres in April. She hopes that through this film, people can learn about the local fish culture in the Philippines. 

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