
Paper on Medical Research Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness Can Be Reduced by Pomegranate and Tart Cherry Juice

Paper on Medical Research Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness Can Be Reduced by Pomegranate and Tart Cherry Juice.  Photo reproduced from Pixabay
Paper on Medical Research Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness Can Be Reduced by Pomegranate and Tart Cherry Juice. Photo reproduced from Pixabay
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

Exercise is frequently linked to painful muscles. Protein supplements are typically thought to reduce muscle injury. This year, a Taiwanese medical article verified that vegetable juices, particularly tart cherry and pomegranate juice, are beneficial in reducing delayed onset muscular soreness (DOMS) after exercise. These two fruits can reduce inflammation-related discomfort since they contain anthocyanins.

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Paper on Medical Research Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness Can Be Reduced by Pomegranate and Tart Cherry Juice.Photo reproduced from Wikipedia

According to a study by Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, pomegranate and tart cherry juices, in particular, are rich in anthocyanins and can inhibit Cyclooxygenase (COX) through the Prostaglandin to reduce pain associated with inflammatory symptoms. However, one doesn't have to drink only freshly squeezed pomegranate or tart cherry juice. People may also utilize juices from fruits high in vitamin B complex, such as bananas and oranges, that are not very sweet and helps the metabolism of lactic acid. Salicin, which can reduce inflammation, is found in foods like avocados and cherries as well as willow, which is used to make aspirin.

However, several dietitians pointed out that fruit juice often has a high sugar content and that consuming too much of it is detrimental. To acquire the nutrients human body requires, it is advised to drink up to 1 to 2 cups of unsweetened juice each day. The human body is rich in antioxidants and has a higher effect at preventing inflammatory responses after exercise if one can maintain a regular drinking habit.

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