
New immigrants are welcomed to join 5-day ‘Interpreter Training Project for New Immigrants in Miaoli County’

 New immigrants are encouraged to join the 5-day ‘Interpreter Training Project for New Immigrants in Miaoli County’. (Photo for reference only / Retrieved from the Pixabay)
New immigrants are encouraged to join the 5-day ‘Interpreter Training Project for New Immigrants in Miaoli County’. (Photo for reference only / Retrieved from the Pixabay)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by CHI CHIA I

To expand the talent pool of translators and interpreters, protect the rights of foreigners, and create a friendly environment with cultural diversity for foreigners in Miaoli County, Miaoli New Immigrant Family Service Center will be holding ‘Interpreter Training Project for New Immigrants in Miaoli County’ on December 4 (Sat), December 5 (Sun), December 11 (Sat), December 12 (Sun) and December 18 (Sat), 2021 for five days.

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New immigrants possessing a language proficiency in their native language and meet the minimum Chinese language proficiency of passing basic language examination & having basic administrative and document processing skills are welcomed to register. The project aims to enhance the professional knowledge of interpreters and continue to provide high-quality interpreting services.

New immigrants possessing a language proficiency in their native language and meet the minimum Chinese language proficiency are welcomed to register. (Photo / Provided by the Miaoli County Government)

New immigrants possessing a language proficiency in their native language and meet the minimum Chinese language proficiency are welcomed to register. (Photo / Provided by the Miaoli County Government)

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Participants are required to take written and oral tests after the training course is over. Those who have scored 70 or above in each subject will be issued a training certificate and registered in the database of interpreters for civil units to contact. For detailed course content, please contact the Miaoli New Immigrant Family Service Center, or register online.

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