
US’s Frameline Film Festival Featuring Taiwan’s Leap in LGBTQ Visibility

Ministry of Culture promoted one of the biggest film festivals in the US featuring Taiwanese LGBTQ films this June. (Source from MOC)
Ministry of Culture promoted one of the biggest film festivals in the US featuring Taiwanese LGBTQ films this June. (Source from MOC)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by Leann Wang

The 45th Frameline Film Festival in San Francisco, USA, featured this year’s program with Taiwanese cinema to celebrate the second anniversary for the country to become the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

More information:

MOE announces COVID-19 restrictions for stores and announcements

The 45th Frameline Film Festival in San Francisco, USA, featured this year’s program with Taiwanese cinema to celebrate the second anniversary for the country to become the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.  More information: MOE announces COVID-19 restrictions for stores and announcements  Three Taiwanese features and four shorts were streaming on the fest’s site among over 130 more from June 17 to 27. The festival also held a “Taiwan Focus” panel available on the website through the festival’s final day on June 27.  More information: Taiwan extends the Level 3 Covid-19 alert to 6/28  The Ministry of Culture (MOC, 文化部) reminded audience worldwide that in the panel discussion, filmmakers and professionals would shed lights on the diversified development of Taiwanese LGBTQ movies, as well as their recent rise of Netflix and other streaming platforms.Features on the festival’s streaming platforms required fees, and shorts were for free. (Source from MOC) 

Three Taiwanese features and four shorts were streaming on the fest’s site among over 130 more from June 17 to 27. The festival also held a “Taiwan Focus” panel available on the website through the festival’s final day on June 27.

More information:

Taiwan extends the Level 3 Covid-19 alert to 6/28

 The “Taiwan Focus” panel would be in the festival on June 24. (Source from MOC)The “Taiwan Focus” panel would be in the festival on June 24. (Source from MOC) 

The Ministry of Culture (MOC, 文化部) reminded audience worldwide that in the panel discussion, filmmakers and professionals would shed lights on the diversified development of Taiwanese LGBTQ movies, as well as their recent rise of Netflix and other streaming platforms.

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