
2021 Taoyuan New Residents Carnival was successful! Distinctive cultures of countries come together

2021 Taoyuan New Residents Carnival was successful! (Photo / Provided by The Kinmen County Service Center)
2021 Taoyuan New Residents Carnival was successful! (Photo / Provided by The Kinmen County Service Center)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by CHI CHIA I

2021 Pluralist society, Love gathers (多元聚愛), Taoyuan New Residents Carnival & Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Promotion, recently held in Bogonggang (伯公岡) Park, Yangmei District. Hosted by Shanghu Community Development Association (上湖社區發展協會) of Yangmei District and Taiwan-Indo Joy Development Association (台印喜悅發展協會), 21 community development associations in Yangmei District also co-organized. During the activity, the level 2 epidemic prevention regulations such as wearing a mask, no eating, and maintaining social distancing were followed.

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Taoyuan New Residents Carnival promotes life rights to new residents. (Photo / Provided by The Kinmen County Service Center)

Taoyuan New Residents Carnival promotes life rights to new residents. (Photo / Provided by The Kinmen County Service Center)

Li Qiong Hua (李瓊華), Section Chief of the New Resident Affairs from the Department of Social Welfare, Taoyuan said that the directors of the communities led volunteers and new residents from Indonesia and Vietnam to participate in the activities. Besides, 10 information desks have been set up in the event for consultations.  Through activities, new residents can further understand the welfare measures. These measures are also promoted by the third district of center in Taoyuan City for early treatment for exceptional children (早期療育社區資源中心). You can enjoy the resources if your child is aged below 6.

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The distinctive cultures of Southeast Asian countries come together. (Photo / Provided by The Kinmen County Service Center)

The distinctive cultures of Southeast Asian countries come together. (Photo / Provided by The Kinmen County Service Center)

The event was unveiled with an Indonesian performance by Lin Li Na (林麗娜) Dance Team of the " Taiwan-Indo Joy Development Association", followed by a wonderful talent show. New residents’ singing performances and dance performances spiced up the atmosphere with the eye-catching runway shows. The carnival ended with the chorus "Grateful Heart" (感恩的心) sang by all new residents. Lastly due to the epidemic, a variety of exotic dishes are prepared as a takeaway for the new residents and community volunteers to enjoy at home.

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