
The Czech Republic will donate 30,000 doses of vaccine to Taiwan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Sees the true heart in adversity”

The Czech Republic will donate 30,000 doses of vaccine to Taiwan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “Sees the true heart in adversity”
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

The Czech government decided in a cabinet meeting on July 26, to donate vaccines to 12 countries including Taiwan. Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch announced that the Czech Republic will donate 30,000 doses of vaccines to Taiwan. The donation will be given at a critical time when the Covid-19 epidemic is raging across countries due to new variants of the virus, causing epidemic prevention challenges. The Czech government, parliament, and the people extended help to show sincere friendship and warm care for Taiwan at the right time, which touched the Taiwan government and people.

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 Both Taiwan and the Czech Republic have shown their deep friendship with many years of cooperation. Photo/provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Both Taiwan and the Czech Republic have shown their deep friendship with many years of cooperation. Photo/provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) expressed sincere gratitude to the Czech government’s health department, foreign affairs departments, the President of the Senate, Miloš Vystrčil, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee (Pavel Fischer), and the Mayor of Prague Zdeněk Hřib. Because of the deep friendship and many years of cooperation between Taiwan and the Czech Republic, they signed the “Taiwan and Czech Republic Joint Statement on Epidemic Prevention Cooperation” on April 1st. The cooperation includes sharing of epidemic prevention experience and materials.

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 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is particularly grateful to Speaker Videzi for their vaccine donation to Taiwan. Photo/Retrieved from "Central News Agency"

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is particularly grateful to Speaker Videzi for their vaccine donation to Taiwan. Photo/Retrieved from "Central News Agency"

In addition, MOFA stated that “one’s true heart will be seen in adversity” is the best description of the sincere friendship between Taiwan and the Czech Republic. Senate president Miloš Vystrčil said, “This donation is of great significance, because Taiwan helped the Czech Republic during the epidemic in the past. This is a way of returning the favor and it also shows the Czech government’s support for Taiwan”.

MOFA also thanked Taiwan’s friends, including Japan, the United States, and Lithuania, and now the Czech Republic, as well as many civic organizations and companies, for helping Taiwan fight the epidemic.

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