
108 thank-you Manga artworks will be on display during the Taipei International Comics & Animation Festival

Manga artworks will be on display during the Taipei International Comics & Animation Festival. (Photo / Retrieved from Facebook: ICHIBAN JAPAN)
Manga artworks will be on display during the Taipei International Comics & Animation Festival. (Photo / Retrieved from Facebook: ICHIBAN JAPAN)

According to the Ministry of Culture, at this year's Taipei International Comics & Animation Festival (台北國際動漫節), comic artworks reflecting goodwill between Taiwan and Japan will be on display. These works were created by Taiwanese manga artists in response to notable Japanese manga artists' artworks commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.

You Su-lan (游素蘭), Tsai Hung-chung (蔡鴻忠), Ruan Guang-min (阮光民), Yeh Ming-hsuan (葉明軒), Cory Ko (柯宥希), Monday Recover (星期一回收日), MN, Ponjea (彭傑), and others are among the manga artists taking part.

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This year's event will also feature 108 thank-you artworks by Japanese manga artists from last year's exhibition, as well as 119 art prints. (Photo / Provided by Chinese Animation & Comic Publishers Association)

This year's event will also feature 108 thank-you artworks by Japanese manga artists from last year's exhibition, as well as 119 art prints. (Photo / Provided by Chinese Animation & Comic Publishers Association)

The Chinese Animation and Comic Publishers Association urged the Japan - Taiwan Exchange Association to hold the display again, inviting 120 Taiwanese artists to make artworks with their signatures as a thank-you to Japan, according to Taiwan Tohan (台灣東販).

Japan supplied vaccines to Taiwan six times last year, and Taiwan donated 10,000 oximeters, 1,008 oxygen concentrators, and other medical supplies to Japan, according to the report. Such mutual help and trust demonstrate Taiwan and Japan's strong friendship in the face of adversity.

Last year, the "Japan – Taiwan Friendship Signing and Illustration Exhibition (台日友情簽繪展)" featured comic artworks by Japanese manga artists who are well-known in Taiwan.

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The Taipei International Comics & Animation Festival will take place in the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1 from February 10 to 14. Visit the festival's official website for additional information.

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