
雙語新聞-奢侈品行業正在征服虛擬世界 What is the metaverse, and how can fashion industry conquer it?

奢侈品行業正在征服虛擬世界。What is the metaverse, and how can fashion industry conquer it? (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)
奢侈品行業正在征服虛擬世界。What is the metaverse, and how can fashion industry conquer it? (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

根據The Star報導,時尚行業,或者更確切地說,奢侈品行業,在四處取得小幅收益之後,現在正在征服虛擬世界。

According to The Star, the fashion industry — or rather, the luxury industry – is now stepping up a gear in terms of conquering the metaverse, after making small gains here and there.

Gucci 可以說是該領域的開拓者,它剛剛簽約了 The Sandbox,而 Philipp Plein 簽約了 Decentraland,這兩個品牌在兩個虛擬世界中仍有很大的發展空間。

Gucci, arguably the trailblazer in the sector, has just signed up for The Sandbox, while Philipp Plein has signed up for Decentraland - two virtual worlds in which the two brands still have a lot of ground to cover.


For many people throughout the world, the metaverse is still a nebulous concept, but it has long enticed the fashion industry, which has recognized the possibilities of these parallel universes.


This collection of virtual universes, which some refer to as the internet's future – or the internet of the future – are essentially just online spaces where users may socialize, have fun, and, most importantly, consume.

馬克·祖克柏的願景更加雄心勃勃。這位億萬富翁—或者我們應該說他的數字分身—在宣布 Facebook 集團更名為 Meta 時,給出了直接來自科幻電影的未來願景。

Mark Zuckerberg's vision is even more ambitious. The billionaire – or should we say his digital doppelganger – gave a vision of the future that was straight out of a science fiction film at the announcement of the Facebook group's name change to Meta.


Everything would happen in these parallel universes, accessible via an augmented reality headset, from conferences and concerts to shopping malls.


While it may appear frightening to some, others are eager to dive in, especially if they've previously become immersed in these worlds through gaming.

Gucci 可以說是該領域的開拓者。Gucci, arguably the trailblazer in the sector. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

Gucci 可以說是該領域的開拓者。Gucci, arguably the trailblazer in the sector. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

這就是時尚和奢侈品行業介入的地方,準備一勞永逸地與他們的核心目標千禧一代,甚至更多的 Z 世代和 Alpha 建立聯繫。 隨著電子遊戲和其他形式的數字技術長大的幾代人。

This is where the fashion and luxury sectors step in, ready to connect with their core target, Millennials, and even more so Gen-Zs and Alphas, once and for all. Generations that grew up with video games and other forms of digital technology.

Gucci大膽嘗試。意大利時裝公司 Gucci 是最早提供數位體驗的公司之一,無論是通過與視頻遊戲的合作、在 Roblox 上推出其 Gucci Garden 的數位版本,還是通過營銷為 Zepeto 化身設計的物品。

Gucci takes a risk. Gucci was one of the first fashion houses to offer digital experiences, whether through video game collaborations, the development of a digital replica of its Gucci Garden on Roblox, or the marketing of things to adorn Zepeto avatars.

歡迎來到普萊恩廣場。Plein Plaza 是由 Philipp Plein 在另一個元宇宙 Decentraland 發起的概念。這位時裝設計師購買了價值 140 萬美元(590 萬令吉)的虛擬土地,即 65 塊地,總面積達 16,400 平方米。 一個體面的區域,可以開展各種活動。

Plein Plaza is pleased to welcome you. Philipp Plein came up with the idea for Plein Plaza in Decentraland, another metaverse. The fashion designer paid US$1.4 million (RM5.9 million) for 65 plots comprising 16,400 square meters of virtual land. A large enough region to develop a variety of activities.


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