
After 20 years of waiting, Taiwan was removed from the list of FMD areas, 22 tons of pork were exported to PH

After 20 years of waiting, Taiwan was removed from the list of FMD areas, 22 tons of pork were exported to PH.  Photo provided by Ministry of Agriculture
After 20 years of waiting, Taiwan was removed from the list of FMD areas, 22 tons of pork were exported to PH. Photo provided by Ministry of Agriculture
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

In 2020, Taiwan achieved foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) eradication, bringing an end to the pig industry's more than 20-year dark ages. The Ministry of Agriculture recently convened a conference in Pingtung County to discuss the export of pork to the Philippines. Taiwan sent 22 tons of fresh pork to the Philippines for the first time since it was delisted as a region plagued by FMD.

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After 20 years of waiting, Taiwan was removed from the list of FMD areas, 22 tons of pork were exported to PH.Photo provided by Ministry of Agriculture

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Taiwan was compelled to cease exporting as a result of a FMD epidemic in 1997, which had a significant negative impact on the livelihood and business of Taiwan's pig farmers. It was ultimately removed from the FMD region after more than 20 years of diligent work.

Taiwan has also been successful in preventing the entry of African swine fever (ASF). Taiwan will take steps this year to become a traditional swine fever-free region beginning in July. Eventually, Taiwan will be the only nation in Asia devoid of the foot and mouth disease, and African swine fever if all goes according to plan. It will considerably increase Taiwan's fresh and processed pork products' competitiveness on the global market.

The Ministry of Agriculture stressed that going forward, it would continue to offer advice to businesses eager to export in order to change, improve, and extend the global market, with the goal of stabilizing the supply and price of pork in Taiwan. In addition to the Philippines, major target markets for Taiwan's fresh pork include Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, and others.

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