
Canadian YouTuber Wes Davies experienced & recorded Taiwan’s deep culture "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony"

Wes Davies participated in the "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony" in 2018. (Photo / Authorized & Provided by Wes Davies 衛斯理)
Wes Davies participated in the "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony" in 2018. (Photo / Authorized & Provided by Wes Davies 衛斯理)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by CHI CHIA I


Video authorized by:(@Wes Davies 衛斯理)

Wes YT Channel:http://bit.ly/2kkQ9cr

Wes IG: www.instagram.com/wesofthesun/



Pingtung Donggang Palace’s "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony" is an important festival held every three years. The festival is to welcome the five royal lords (Qian Sui Ye) who fight the plague and exorcise evil spirits. He is held in high regard in Taiwan’s ceremonial cultures.

The ceremony is held on October 24 this year. This year's "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony" will be a silver lining during the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak, having a greater spiritual significance to the people of Taiwan.

"Wangye Worshipping Ceremony" sets up the beam raising ceremony to kick off the ceremony. (Photo / Retrieved from Instagram: 東港東隆宮)

"Wangye Worshipping Ceremony" sets up the beam raising ceremony to kick off the ceremony. (Photo / Retrieved from Instagram: 東港東隆宮)

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There are a series of ceremonies to welcome the king before the event. (Photo / Retrieved from Instagram: 東港東隆宮)


There are a series of ceremonies to welcome the king before the event. (Photo / Retrieved from Instagram: 東港東隆宮)

YouTuber Wes Davies from Canada settled in Kaohsiung. On his YouTube channel " Wes Davies衛斯理", the content and the and intellectual value of the videos he filmed are comparable to the professional documentary videos of Discovery or National Geographic Channel. His channel is full of knowledge and is rare on YouTube.

Wes Davies, who loves Taiwan’s traditional culture, actively participates in important cultural ceremonies in Taiwan, such as the Keelung Ghost Festival (中元祭), the Burning of the King Boat (東港燒王船), and Mazu Pilgrimage (媽祖遶境). He introduces Taiwan’s cultures in English and his professional documentary filming skills allow the world to see Taiwan’s deep culture.

This episode of【New immigrants in Taiwan】shares Wes Davies’s experience of participating in the "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony" in 2018. The whole ceremony was recorded with the camera by him, and he hopes that more people can understand and experience the culture.

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A large ship built by people for several years. (Photo / Authorized & Provided by Wes Davies 衛斯理)

A large ship built by people for several years. (Photo / Authorized & Provided by Wes Davies 衛斯理)

The ceremony comprises welcoming the gods, providing offerings, religious assembly. Lastly, in the middle of the night, a large ship built by the people for several years will be burned, praying to the gods that evil spirits and plague will disappear.

Then the residents and believers from various temples gathered together to join the parade and sent the big boat from the temple to the sea. They set off with support and faith, and then brought the blessing of the gods back to the town where they lived.

The ship is burned, praying to the gods that evil spirits and plague will disappear. (Photo / Authorized & Provided by Wes Davies 衛斯理)

The ship is burned, praying to the gods that evil spirits and plague will disappear. (Photo / Authorized & Provided by Wes Davies 衛斯理)

Wes Davies said he was deeply touched by the ceremony and the mobilization of local residents in Donggang to participate in the "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony". He shared with us that this is the most special ceremony he has ever participated in, and he will join it again in 2021 and film more videos to share with everyone.

For more related videos and life sharing, please follow: Wes Davies 衛斯理YouYubeFBIG

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