
雙語新聞-網友路過打烊麵店驚覺被盯,細看後發現最萌食物模型 Japan soba restaurant sees furry addition to food sample display

推特網友經過一間蕎麥麵店,仔細看後才發現居然有隻貓坐在餐廳展示食物的櫥窗內。A cat was discovered quietly sitting among food samples at a soba restaurant, accidentally alarming a passerby who felt "eyes" on her. (Photo courtesy of @yuuki122606/Twitter)
推特網友經過一間蕎麥麵店,仔細看後才發現居然有隻貓坐在餐廳展示食物的櫥窗內。A cat was discovered quietly sitting among food samples at a soba restaurant, accidentally alarming a passerby who felt "eyes" on her. (Photo courtesy of @yuuki122606/Twitter)

By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network


根據The China Post報導,【看CP學英文】許多店家常常將店內商品陳列在玻璃櫥窗裡,但路人經過可能並不是太在意,也不會注意到櫥窗裡的擺飾。但近期就有日本網友貼出非常吸睛的「櫥窗裝飾」,讓其他網友看了也紛紛表示「這真的太吸引人了!」

According to The China Post, Many restaurants often display samples of their food products in glass windows, though passersby may often be too busy to take a closer look and possibly fail to notice the bright decorations.

However, a Japanese social media user recently posted a very eye-catching “food sample”, which led others to point out it truly is “extremely attractive!”

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一名日本網友AjitsukemenmaP ( @yuuki122606 ) 近日在推特上發布了一則貼文,表示自己某天晚上走在路上時,經過了一間蕎麥麵店,總甩不掉有人在看她的感覺,仔細環顧周遭後才發現居然有隻貓坐在餐廳展示食物的櫥窗內,才恍然大悟剛剛盯著自己的是店家養的貓。

The Japanese social media user, “AjitsukemenmaP” (@yuuki122606 ), shared the post to Twitter, saying that she was walking home one night when she passed a soba restaurant and felt someone’s gaze on her.

It was only after taking a closer look at the shop window that she realized that there was a cat sitting among the food samples. She was in fact staring at the store owner’s pet.


In the post, the cat can be seen sitting among the food samples in the window without moving, leading social media users to exclaim that it’s too cute!


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The soba restaurant is seemingly quite well known among locals, and the two cats, named “Kota-chan” and “Peta,” are also said to be very gentle, not afraid of strangers, and like to be close to customers.

When there’s nothing for them to do, they would stay by the window looking outwards, which resulted in the cute and amusing scene which was captured by the social media user.

餐廳主人表示,兩隻店貓「Kota-chan」以及「Peta」經常會代替他來『招攬」』顧客。The owner of the restaurant said that the two cats growing up in the restaurant Kota-chan & Peta help him ‘welcome’ customers when he is busy.

餐廳主人表示,兩隻店貓「Kota-chan」以及「Peta」經常會代替他來『招攬」』顧客。The owner of the restaurant said that the two cats growing up in the restaurant Kota-chan & Peta help him ‘welcome’ customers when he is busy.


According to foreign media reports, the owner of the restaurant knows that his cats have become popular on the Internet.

He explained: “Kota-chan and Peta grew up in the restaurant, so they are not afraid of other people. They often help me ‘welcome’ customers when I’m too busy in the kitchen.


Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By Reina Lin


