
How Mother's Day is celebrated around the world: 7 countries as examples

How Mother's Day is celebrated around the world: 7 countries as examples


Mother's Day is approaching! Are you ready to amaze your mom with a bunch of flowers or presents? If not, don't worry, here's a look at how 7 countries around the world honor their moms. 


  • Sweden

Celebrated on the last Sunday in May, the day isn't all that different from the U.S. version. There would be breakfast in bed and homemade cards fulling this day. One difference is that the Swedish Red Cross collects money by selling red plastic flowers. The funds from the flowers go to mothers and children in need.


  • United Kingdom

As early as the 16th century, the U.K. observed on the fourth Sunday of Lent a day called Mothering Sunday when families came together to attend church. In the early 20th century, Mothering Sunday—which had evolved into a tradition of spending family time at home—was fused with the Hallmark-card-giving American holiday, but it has retained its traditional name and date (March 15 this year).


  • India

Mother’s Day is a rather new phenomenon in India, but the imported holiday is making up for the lost time. On the second Sunday of May (May 11 this year, just like in the U.S.), mothers are showered with flowers, cards, and gifts.


  • France

Mother's Day in France is similar to its U.S. counterpart, but that tradition only started in the 1950s. Before that, a few different days were used to recognize women who had given birth to a large number of children to help restore the country's population following World War I. After World War II, the French government declared the last Sunday in May Mother's Day, unless it conflicted with the Pentecost. If it did, mothers were celebrated on the first Sunday of June. Regardless of the day, a traditional gift is a flower-shaped cake.


  • Japan

Japan initially aligned Haha no Hi with the birthday of Empress Koujun, whose tenure spanned most of the 20th century. But Mother’s Day has since been moved to the second Sunday in May when the Japanese load their mothers with gifts—primarily flowers. A recent poll of 1,000 adult men found that 87% planned to give something to their moms.


  • Thailand

While all mothers are recognized during Mother's Day in Thailand, the holiday is largely centered on Sirikit, the queen mother of Thailand. Mother's Day is celebrated on her birthday, Aug. 12, and public places and households sport lights, decorations and portraits of Sirikit while parades and other festivities also occur. Jasmine is a popular gift among Filippino mothers.



  • The Philippines

Mother’s Day in the Philippines used to be celebrated on the first Monday of December. On this day, school children placed pink cadena de amor, others say carnations, on their chests. Schoolchildren who no longer have mothers placed white cadena de amor on their chests. Appropriate programs were held all over the country in honor of mothers and husbands gave gifts to their wives.


  • Taiwan

Mother's Day is always celebrated and observed on the Second Sunday of May each year. Flowers, especially Carnation, and other gifts are given to mothers on Mother's Day. It is also typically celebrated by having a meal with family, giving a gift, buying a cake or taking a day trip.



Source: TIME 



Source: Pixabay

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