
Indigenous Terra Madre Taiwan in Hualien will feature international Slow Food Organizations

Indigenous Terra Madre Taiwan in Hualien will feature international Slow Food Organizations.  Photo provide by Hualien County Government
Indigenous Terra Madre Taiwan in Hualien will feature international Slow Food Organizations. Photo provide by Hualien County Government
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The Indigenous Wild Vegetable School in Hualien County, which actively promotes the indigenous food culture, was able to persuade the county government to invite Slow Food organizations from Thailand, Hawaii, and Italy to participate in the Taiwan Indigenous Terra Madre (原住民慢食博覽會) in Hualien at the end of October. The Slow Food Indigenous Chefs Alliance was founded by it as the first retailer. It facilitates cross-border interactions through food and raises awareness of indigenous culinary culture.

Indigenous Terra Madre Taiwan in Hualien will feature international Slow Food Organizations.Photo provide by Hualien County Government

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Since the establishment of the Indigenous Wild Vegetable School three years ago, the acting director of the Hualien Indigenous People Department of the Hualien County Government has found that the indigenous food culture is in line with the spirit of slow food promoted internationally. As a result, the acting director actively contacted the headquarters of Slow Food Italy in the hopes of collaborating with other Slow Food organizations through food culture.

Indigenous Terra Madre Taiwan in Hualien will feature international Slow Food Organizations.Photo provide by Hualien County Government

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In addition to hosting forums, there were many stalls set up during the event, bringing together Slow Food organizations from Hualien and other counties and cities, biodiversity organizations, and the Taiwan Indigenous Slow Food Chef Alliance in an effort to promote the distinctive qualities of indigenous cuisine.

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