
2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections: Voting Process and Things to Note for New Immigrants

2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections: Voting Process and Things to Note for New Immigrants.  Photo reproduced from Central Election Commission YouTube
2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections: Voting Process and Things to Note for New Immigrants. Photo reproduced from Central Election Commission YouTube
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The Republic of China (Taiwan) will hold elections for its 16th President and Vice President on January 13, 2024, along with the 11th Legislative Council. Those who are entitled to vote and are new immigrants may vote as well. Precautions for new immigrants to vote have been collected by Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network.

Read more: The Ministry of Interior joins hands with new immigrants to protect democracy and promote anti-bribery

2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections: Voting Process and Things to Note for New Immigrants.Photo provided by NIA Chiayi County Service Center

If a new immigrant has a Republic of China (Taiwan) ID card, is at least 20 years old, and has a Taiwanese household registration, they are eligible to vote. On January 13, 2024, elections for the offices of vice president, president, and lawmakers will take place concurrently.

Before they may cast a ballot in the presidential and vice-presidential elections, new immigrants must be registered in the Republic of China (Taiwan) for at least six months. Before being able to cast a ballot in the Legislative Council election, new immigrants must have been registered in each constituency for at least four months.

In this respect, the Ministry of the Interior also informs new immigrants that they can inquire about their voting rights by contacting the household registration office that is closest to them, where their household registration is kept.

Read more: The 11th Immigration Class Closing Ceremony: 45 new immigration officers will serve as the best gatekeepers for border security

2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections: Voting Process and Things to Note for New Immigrants.Photo reproduced from Nantou County Election Commission Facebook

Make sure you bring your voter notice, seal, and national ID card when you cast your ballot on election day.

It is forbidden to intentionally rip up ballots, to carry weapons or dangerous objects, to take ballots out to vote or show them to others, to bring cell phones or other photography equipment into the voting place (there will be a temporary location for cell phones outside the voting place), and to disturb or interfere with other people's voting.

It is also forbidden to add, edit, stamp, sign, or thumbprint any words or symbols on the ballot; if you do, the vote will be declared void.

2024 Presidential and Legislative Elections: Voting Process and Things to Note for New Immigrants.Photo provided by NIA Nantou County Service Center

In order to ensure transparent election procedures, if new immigrants come across illicit acts like vote buying or vote bribing, they should have the guts to reject, gather proof, and phone the Ministry of Justice 0800-024-099 anti-bribery election reporting hotline, pressing 4. More information on New Immigrants of Central Election Commission website.

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