
Penghu International Kite Festival 2020 to create colorful skies on Sept. 7

Penghu International Kite Festival 2020 to create colorful skies on Sept. 7


Kite lovers are invited to join the Penghu International Kite Festival 2020 between Sept. 7 and 13 at Longmen Beach (龍門沙灘).

(Source: Tourism Department of Penghu County Government)

The event will feature a variety of kites that feature marine life, while eco-conscious kites made of ocean waste will also take center stage. The first of its kind in the outlying islands of Penghu, the festival seeks to take advantage of what used to be an obstacle for Penghu’s winter tourism – wind.


The week-long event will feature kite exhibitions and hands-on activities ideal for family recreation. The festival will reach a climax Sept. 12-13, when major competitions are held, along with wind-powered installations and acrobatic and 3D kite flying.


A tourist magnet for its historic sites, beaches, seafood, and windsurfing sports, Penghu will witness more than 100 contestants demonstrate their kite-flying skills at the event. Contestants from France, New Zealand, Germany, Finland, and elsewhere will be unable to attend the festival because of the coronavirus pandemic, said the Tourism Department.


For more detailed information on Penghu International Kite Festival 2020, please visit Tourism Department of Penghu County Government's website.

(Source: Tourism Department of Penghu County Government)


Source: Taiwan News/Tourism Department of Penghu County Government

Source: Tourism Department of Penghu County Government

Source: Tourism Department of Penghu County Government

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