
Taiwan's population consists of over 700,000 migrant workers, a number so large it emphasizes their role in Taiwanese society. Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network shares the following series of informative videos about the lives of migrant workers in Taiwan. Watch the broadcast here: 0626 NIA video news report-English

News in Focus (June 21 - 27)

  • The National Immigration Agency Epidemic Prevention Campaign to Promote Multilingual Advocacy

Kaohsiung Service Center under the instruction of National Immigration Agency has provided the latest coronavirus updates to foreign workers with multiple languages including Filipino, Vietnamese and Indonesian. (For more information: Kaohsiung Service Center creates COVID-19 multiple language posters for foreign workers

  • Taoyuan City to Combat Pandemic by Closing down Beauty Salon Stores

Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) announced that all beauty and hairdressing salons should close from June 4 to June 14. Salon stores have reopened from June 8 on. (For more information: Taoyuan announces to close all Beauty and hairdressing salons until June 14)

  • Exports on the Differences between COVID-19 Virus and Common Colds

According to pediatrician Ken Tsui (徐嘉賢), asthma is often accompanied by a cough and wheezing, and the most important difference between allergies and COVID-19 is the lack of a fever. (For more information: New Coronavirus vs. flu vs. allergies: How to tell the difference)

  • Breaking down Happy Hypoxia Syndrome with Life-Saving Tips

Studies found that COVID-19 patients might encounter extremely low levels of oxygen, but no signs of difficulty breathing, known as “happy hypoxia” or silent hypoxemia. (For more information: Happy hypoxia: beware of this coronavirus symptom)

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