
The National Immigration Agency (NIA) calls on All Migrants to Observe Covid-19 protocols

The National Immigration Agency calls on migrants to observe Covid-19 protocols. Photo/Provided by National Immigration Agency
The National Immigration Agency calls on migrants to observe Covid-19 protocols. Photo/Provided by National Immigration Agency
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

The National Immigration Agency calls on all migrants to observe Covid-19 protocols.

The Covid-19 epidemic level 3 alert continues and the Southern Administration Corps, National Immigration Agency Kaohsiung special task force (移民署南區事務大隊高雄市專勤隊) is urging the migrant population to take Covid-19 tests under the “Migrant Population Peace of Mind Epidemic Prevention Project” (外來人口安心採檢防疫專案). Recently, the special duty team discovered an Indonesian restaurant on Nan Hua Road, San Min District (高雄市胸市三民區南華路), with a group dining indoors. The special duty team coordinated with the police department for assistance to investigate the matter. Four Indonesian migrant workers and the restaurant owner were sent to the Department of Health, Kaohsiung City Government (高雄市政府衛生局) for violating the Infectious Disease and Control law (傳染病防治法). 

Read More: COVID-19 Migrant Workers: The NIA and Chiayi County Government promote epidemic prevention measures for migrant workers

The migrant population should abide by the level 3 alert regulations. If there are any suspected symptoms or infection, or related questions, please call the epidemic hotline 1922. Photo/Provided by National Immigration Agency. The migrant population should abide by the level 3 alert regulations. If there are any suspected symptoms or infection, or related questions, please call the epidemic hotline 1922. Photo/Provided by National Immigration Agency.  

To prevent the spread of Covid-19, the National Immigration Agency (NIA, 移民署) strengthened the promotion of the “Migrant Population Peace of Mind
Epidemic Prevention Project”. The Kaohsiung City Special Duty Team went to possible hot spots near the train station where there are many migrant workers and discovered an Indonesian restaurant with the metal roll-up door closed but with lights turned on inside. They found 5 foreigners dining as a group inside the restaurant. The special team immediately called the San Min District police department No. 1 sub-branch to come and investigate the matter.   

Read More: Migrant workers: Work and dormitory diversions. Violation fines of up to NT$ 300,000 for employers and intermediaries

Kaohsiung special task force leader Chao Chi-Cheng (趙志成) said that to prevent the continuous spread of Covid-19, the NIA is continuously promoting the “Migrant Population Peace of Mind Epidemic Prevention project”. During the period of this project until the Central Epidemic Command Center (國家衛生指揮中心中央流行疫情指揮中心) lifts the Covid-19 level 3 alert, legal or illegal and overstaying migrants with suspected possible covid-19 symptoms, may go for covid testing and medical treatment. Illegal migrants who take the covid test and seek medical treatment will not be reported to the authorities. Chao Chi-cheng calls migrants to observe the covid-19 level 3 alert protocols. If there are suspected symptoms, infected cases or if they have related questions, they may call the epidemic hotline 1922, or Kaohsiung citizens hotline 1999. They may also call the National Immigration Department Southern Administration Corps Kaohsiung special task force to inquire.

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