
Taiwan, EU stage 4th Human Rights Consultations

The MOFA welcomes the successful staging of the fourth Taiwan-EU Human Rights Consultations July 15. (Staff photo/Pang Chia-shan)
The MOFA welcomes the successful staging of the fourth Taiwan-EU Human Rights Consultations July 15. (Staff photo/Pang Chia-shan)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

According  to  [Taiwan Today],  the  fourth Taiwan-European   Union  Human  Rights  Consultations   (台歐盟人權諮商)  was  held  via videoconference on July 15, underscoring the two sides’ commitment to advancing universal values.
The one-day event was co-chaired by Minister Without Portfolio Lo Ping-cheng (羅秉成) and EU (歐盟) counterparts Luisa Ragher, head of the Division for Human Rights of the European External  Action  Service (EEAS,  歐盟對外行動署)  and  Jonathan Hatwell, head  of  EEAS’ Division for China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Mongolia.
Officials discussed a wide spectrum of topics spanning the death penalty, gender equality and fair treatment for migrant workers and members of the LGBT community.

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The MOFA welcomes the successful staging of the fourth Taiwan-EU Human Rights Consultations July 15. (Staff photo/Pang Chia-shan)

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) said Taiwan and the EU reaffirmed their shared belief in democracy, in human rights and the rule of law. The two sides also reiterated the importance of dialogue, cooperation and solidarity in supporting these fundamental values and addressing the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the ministry said.

During the consultations, Taiwan presented its headway on adopting a National Action Plan on Fishing and Human Rights, while the EU highlighted the importance of improving working conditions on board local fishing vessels in line with the International Labor Organization’s Convention No. 188, the ministry said.
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The MOFA welcomes the successful staging of the fourth Taiwan-EU Human Rights Consultations July 15. (Staff photo/Pang Chia-shan)The MOFA welcomes the successful staging of the fourth Taiwan-EU Human Rights Consultations July 15. (Staff photo/Pang Chia-shan) 

According to the MOFA, the EU welcomed Taiwan’s establishment of the National Human Rights Commission (國家人權委員會) and applauded the commencement of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, which makes the country the first in Asia to launch such an initiative. The EU also shared the key features of its new Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024 and the Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime, the ministry added.
The EU restated its longstanding opposition to the death penalty, the MOFA said, adding that each side agreed to continue cooperation and exchanges on the issues addressed during the meeting.

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