
A Canadian tourist returned the basalt rocks taken away from Penghu 16 years ago in an apology letter

A Canadian tourist returned the basalt rocks taken away from Penghu 16 years ago in an apology letter.   Photo provided by Penghu County Government
A Canadian tourist returned the basalt rocks taken away from Penghu 16 years ago in an apology letter. Photo provided by Penghu County Government
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

An apology letter and a piece of basalt were recently delivered by Canada to the Penghu County Government. When a Canadian traveler visited Penghu 16 years ago, he took a chunk of basalt with him home. He'd spent years pondering the stone's potential cultural importance and lately made the decision to return it and offer his apologies.

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A Canadian tourist returned the basalt rocks taken away from Penghu 16 years ago in an apology letter.Photo provided by Penghu County Government

The Canadian visitor took the about 7 cm-long basalt rock when he visited Penghu in 2007, according to the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries of Penghu County. The Canadian visitor said he wanted to return the stone since it shaped like an arrow, and he believed it could have cultural value in a letter of remorse that was signed by Redhead.

In the hopes that this stone may find a resting place and return to nature, he also wished to express his regret to Penghu's forefathers, locals, the county mayor, and the area's natural environment.

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A Canadian tourist returned the basalt rocks taken away from Penghu 16 years ago in an apology letter.Photo provided by Penghu County Government

The Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries announced that it will also hire experts to determine if the artifact is a remnant of a stone tool.

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