
2021 International Earth Science Olympiad, Taiwan wins 4 golds and 1 silver, tied for first place with Australia

In the 2021 International Earth Science Olympiad, Taiwan won 4 gold and 1 silver. Photo/provided by the Ministry of Education
In the 2021 International Earth Science Olympiad, Taiwan won 4 gold and 1 silver. Photo/provided by the Ministry of Education
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the 2021 International Earth Science Olympiad will be held online. Teams from various countries should find venues in their respective countries that meet the requirements of the conference to establish a competition environment and train invigilators in accordance with the regulations. Taiwanese students came back with good news. Among the 33 countries, they scored 4 gold and 1 silver, ranking first in the world together with Australia.

According to the Ministry of Education (MOE, 教育部), Chen Yu-Jen (陳郁仁) from the National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park (NEHS, 國立新竹科學園區實驗高中), Li En-Chi (李恩齊) from the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (HSNU, 國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學, Tseng Ying-Fang (曾映舫) of the New Taipei City Private Kang Chiao Senior High School (新北市私立康橋高中), and Tsai Ming-Che (蔡銘哲) of the National Hualien Senior High School (花蓮高中) won gold medals; Chen Tse-Yu (陳則宇) of the Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School (台北市建國高中) won the silver medal.

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In the 2021 International Earth Science Olympiad, Taiwan won 4 gold and 1 silver. Photo/provided by the Ministry of EducationIn the 2021 International Earth Science Olympiad, Taiwan won 4 gold and 1 silver. Photo/provided by the Ministry of Education

Among the gold medalists, Chen Yu-Jen has always been curious about the natural phenomena around his life and enjoys explaining natural phenomena using physics principles. During the training, Li En-Chi observed the development of other basic disciplines, and he greatly admires the earth and looks forward to further research. Tseng Ying-Fang liked to solve puzzles and watch detective and crime films since he was a child. He gained a lot of knowledge after he entered middle school, and he always wanted to understand the principles of nature. Tsai Ming-Che has been very interested in paleontology since he was a child. He joined the earth sciences group in middle school and studied physics and other fields.

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Those who won gold, silver, and bronze medals in the International Earth Science Olympiad will receive a prize from the Ministry of Education. Photo/Retrieved from "United Daily News"Those who won gold, silver, and bronze medals in the International Earth Science Olympiad will receive a prize from the Ministry of Education. Photo/Retrieved from "United Daily News"

Chen Tse-Yu, who won the silver medal, likes to dabble in various interests. He is a fan of the Brothers Baseball Club of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL, 中華職業棒球大聯盟). He also participated in the Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School Astronomical Society. He plans to engage in work related to science and writing in the future.

In addition, those who have won gold, silver, and bronze medals in the International Earth Science Olympiad can be recommended to the earth sciences department of universities and colleges or to the other departments of universities and colleges, and they will be awarded NT$200,000, 100,000 and 50,000 worth of scholarship from the MOE.

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